/* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.*; class CCBoxedLongSort { static final long NPS = (1000L * 1000 * 1000); static final int INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD = 8; // static final int THRESHOLD = 64; static int THRESHOLD; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int procs = 0; int n = 1 << 22; int reps = 30; int sreps = 2; try { if (args.length > 0) procs = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (args.length > 1) n = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); if (args.length > 2) reps = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Usage: java BoxedLongSort threads n reps"); return; } if (procs == 0) procs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); THRESHOLD = ((n + 7) >>> 3) / procs; // THRESHOLD = ((n + 15) >>> 4) / procs; // THRESHOLD = ((n + 31) >>> 5) / procs; if (THRESHOLD < 64) THRESHOLD = 64; System.out.println("Threshold = " + THRESHOLD); Long[] numbers = new Long[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) numbers[i] = Long.valueOf(i); Long[] a = new Long[n]; ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(procs); seqTest(a, numbers, pool, 1); System.out.println(pool); parTest(a, numbers, pool, reps); System.out.println(pool); seqTest(a, numbers, pool, 2); System.out.println(pool); pool.shutdown(); } static void seqTest(Long[] a, Long[] numbers, ForkJoinPool pool, int reps) { int n = numbers.length; System.out.printf("Sorting %d longs, %d replications\n", n, reps); long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < reps; ++i) { pool.invoke(new RandomRepacker(null, numbers, a, 0, n, n)); long last = System.nanoTime(); quickSort(a, 0, n-1); // java.util.Arrays.sort(a); long now = System.nanoTime(); double total = (double)(now - start) / NPS; double elapsed = (double)(now - last) / NPS; System.out.printf("Arrays.sort time: %7.3f total %9.3f\n", elapsed, total); pool.invoke(new OrderChecker(null, a, 0, n, n)); } } static void parTest(Long[] a, Long[] numbers, ForkJoinPool pool, int reps) { int n = numbers.length; Long[] w = new Long[n]; System.out.printf("Sorting %d longs, %d replications\n", n, reps); long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < reps; ++i) { pool.invoke(new RandomRepacker(null, numbers, a, 0, n, n)); long last = System.nanoTime(); pool.invoke(new Sorter(null, a, w, 0, n)); long now = System.nanoTime(); double total = (double)(now - start) / NPS; double elapsed = (double)(now - last) / NPS; System.out.printf("Parallel sort time: %7.3f total %9.3f\n", elapsed, total); pool.invoke(new OrderChecker(null, a, 0, n, n)); } } /* * Merge sort alternates placing elements in the given array vs * the workspace array. To make sure the final elements are in the * given array, we descend in double steps. So we need some * little tasks to serve as the place holders for triggering the * merges and re-merges. These don't need to keep track of the * arrays, and are never themselves forked, so are mostly empty. */ static final class Subsorter extends CountedCompleter { Subsorter(CountedCompleter p) { super(p); } public final void compute() { } } static final class Comerger extends CountedCompleter { final Merger merger; Comerger(Merger merger) { super(null, 1); this.merger = merger; } public final void compute() { } public final void onCompletion(CountedCompleter t) { merger.compute(); } } static final class Sorter extends CountedCompleter { final Long[] a; final Long[] w; final int origin; final int size; Sorter(CountedCompleter par, Long[] a, Long[] w, int origin, int n) { super(par); this.a = a; this.w = w; this.origin = origin; this.size = n; } public final void compute() { Long[] a = this.a; Long[] w = this.w; int l = this.origin; int n = this.size; CountedCompleter s = this; int thr = THRESHOLD; while (n > thr) { int h = n >>> 1; int q = n >>> 2; int u = h + q; int lq = l + q, lh = l + h, lu = l + u; int nh = n - h, nu = n - u, hq = h - q; Comerger fc = new Comerger(new Merger(s, w, a, l, h, lh, nh, l)); Comerger rc = new Comerger(new Merger(fc, a, w, lh, q, lu, nu, lh)); Comerger lc = new Comerger(new Merger(fc, a, w, l, q, lq, hq, l)); Sorter su = new Sorter(rc, a, w, lu, nu); Sorter sh = new Sorter(rc, a, w, lh, q); Sorter sq = new Sorter(lc, a, w, lq, hq); su.fork(); sh.fork(); sq.fork(); s = new Subsorter(lc); n = q; } // Arrays.sort(a, l, l+n); quickSort(a, l, l+n-1); s.tryComplete(); } } static final class Merger extends CountedCompleter { final Long[] a; final Long[] w; final int lo; final int ln; final int ro; final int rn; final int wo; Merger(CountedCompleter par, Long[] a, Long[] w, int lo, int ln, int ro, int rn, int wo) { super(par); this.a = a; this.w = w; this.lo = lo; this.ln = ln; this.ro = ro; this.rn = rn; this.wo = wo; } /** * Merge left and right by splitting left in half, * and finding index of right closest to split point. */ public final void compute() { int ln = this.ln; int rn = this.rn; int l = this.lo; int r = this.ro; int k = this.wo; Long[] a = this.a; Long[] w = this.w; int thr = THRESHOLD; while (ln > thr && rn > 4) { int lh = ln >>> 1; int lm = l + lh; Long split = a[lm]; long ls = split.longValue(); int rl = 0; int rh = rn; while (rl < rh) { int rm = (rl + rh) >>> 1; if (ls <= a[r + rm].longValue()) rh = rm; else rl = rm + 1; } addToPendingCount(1); new Merger(this, a, w, lm, ln-lh, r+rh, rn-rh, k+lh+rh).fork(); rn = rh; ln = lh; } int lFence = l + ln; int rFence = r + rn; for (Long t;;) { if (l < lFence) { Long al = a[l], ar; if (r >= rFence || al.longValue() <= (ar = a[r]).longValue()) { ++l; t = al; } else { ++r; t = ar; } } else if (r < rFence) t = a[r++]; else break; w[k++] = t; } tryComplete(); } } static void checkSorted(Long[] a) { int n = a.length; long x = a[0].longValue(), y; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { if (x > (y = a[i+1].longValue())) throw new Error("Unsorted at " + i + ": " + x + " / " + y); x = y; } } static final class RandomRepacker extends CountedCompleter { final Long[] src; final Long[] dst; final int lo, hi, size; RandomRepacker(CountedCompleter par, Long[] src, Long[] dst, int lo, int hi, int size) { super(par); this.src = src; this.dst = dst; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi; this.size = size; } public final void compute() { Long[] s = src; Long[] d = dst; int l = lo, h = hi, n = size; while (h - l > THRESHOLD) { int m = (l + h) >>> 1; addToPendingCount(1); new RandomRepacker(this, s, d, m, h, n).fork(); h = m; } ThreadLocalRandom rng = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i = l; i < h; ++i) d[i] = s[rng.nextInt(n)]; tryComplete(); } } static final class OrderChecker extends CountedCompleter { final Long[] array; final int lo, hi, size; OrderChecker(CountedCompleter par, Long[] a, int lo, int hi, int size) { super(par); this.array = a; this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi; this.size = size; } public final void compute() { Long[] a = this.array; int l = lo, h = hi, n = size; while (h - l > THRESHOLD) { int m = (l + h) >>> 1; addToPendingCount(1); new OrderChecker(this, a, m, h, n).fork(); h = m; } int bound = h < n ? h : n - 1; int i = l; long x = a[i].longValue(), y; while (i < bound) { if (x > (y = a[++i].longValue())) throw new Error("Unsorted " + x + " / " + y); x = y; } tryComplete(); } } static void quickSort(Long[] a, int lo, int hi) { for (;;) { if (hi - lo <= INSERTION_SORT_THRESHOLD) { for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) { Long t = a[i]; long tv = t.longValue(); int j = i - 1; while (j >= lo && tv < a[j].longValue()) { a[j+1] = a[j]; --j; } a[j+1] = t; } return; } int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1; if (a[lo].longValue() > a[mid].longValue()) { Long t = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = t; } if (a[mid].longValue() > a[hi].longValue()) { Long t = a[mid]; a[mid] = a[hi]; a[hi] = t; if (a[lo].longValue() > a[mid].longValue()) { Long u = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[mid]; a[mid] = u; } } long pivot = a[mid].longValue(); int left = lo+1; int right = hi-1; for (;;) { while (pivot < a[right].longValue()) --right; while (left < right && pivot >= a[left].longValue()) ++left; if (left < right) { Long t = a[left]; a[left] = a[right]; a[right] = t; --right; } else break; } if (left - lo <= hi - right) { quickSort(a, lo, left); lo = left + 1; } else { quickSort(a, right, hi); hi = left; } } } }