/* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ import junit.framework.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; public class ScheduledExecutorSubclassTest extends JSR166TestCase { public static void main(String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run (suite()); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(ScheduledExecutorSubclassTest.class); } static class CustomTask implements RunnableScheduledFuture { RunnableScheduledFuture task; volatile boolean ran; CustomTask(RunnableScheduledFuture t) { task = t; } public boolean isPeriodic() { return task.isPeriodic(); } public void run() { ran = true; task.run(); } public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { return task.getDelay(unit); } public int compareTo(Delayed t) { return task.compareTo(((CustomTask)t).task); } public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return task.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); } public boolean isCancelled() { return task.isCancelled(); } public boolean isDone() { return task.isDone(); } public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { V v = task.get(); assertTrue(ran); return v; } public V get(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { V v = task.get(time, unit); assertTrue(ran); return v; } } public class CustomExecutor extends ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor { protected RunnableScheduledFuture decorateTask(Runnable r, RunnableScheduledFuture task) { return new CustomTask(task); } protected RunnableScheduledFuture decorateTask(Callable c, RunnableScheduledFuture task) { return new CustomTask(task); } CustomExecutor(int corePoolSize) { super(corePoolSize);} CustomExecutor(int corePoolSize, RejectedExecutionHandler handler) { super(corePoolSize, handler); } CustomExecutor(int corePoolSize, ThreadFactory threadFactory) { super(corePoolSize, threadFactory); } CustomExecutor(int corePoolSize, ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler handler) { super(corePoolSize, threadFactory, handler); } } /** * execute successfully executes a runnable */ public void testExecute() throws InterruptedException { TrackedShortRunnable runnable =new TrackedShortRunnable(); CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); p1.execute(runnable); assertFalse(runnable.done); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(runnable.done); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } joinPool(p1); } /** * delayed schedule of callable successfully executes after delay */ public void testSchedule1() throws Exception { TrackedCallable callable = new TrackedCallable(); CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); Future f = p1.schedule(callable, SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(callable.done); Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(callable.done); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, f.get()); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } joinPool(p1); } /** * delayed schedule of runnable successfully executes after delay */ public void testSchedule3() throws InterruptedException { TrackedShortRunnable runnable = new TrackedShortRunnable(); CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); p1.schedule(runnable, SMALL_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertFalse(runnable.done); Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(runnable.done); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } joinPool(p1); } /** * scheduleAtFixedRate executes runnable after given initial delay */ public void testSchedule4() throws InterruptedException { TrackedShortRunnable runnable = new TrackedShortRunnable(); CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); ScheduledFuture h = p1.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, SHORT_DELAY_MS, SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(runnable.done); Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(runnable.done); h.cancel(true); joinPool(p1); } static class RunnableCounter implements Runnable { AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); public void run() { count.getAndIncrement(); } } /** * scheduleWithFixedDelay executes runnable after given initial delay */ public void testSchedule5() throws InterruptedException { TrackedShortRunnable runnable = new TrackedShortRunnable(); CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); ScheduledFuture h = p1.scheduleWithFixedDelay(runnable, SHORT_DELAY_MS, SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(runnable.done); Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(runnable.done); h.cancel(true); joinPool(p1); } /** * scheduleAtFixedRate executes series of tasks at given rate */ public void testFixedRateSequence() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); RunnableCounter counter = new RunnableCounter(); ScheduledFuture h = p1.scheduleAtFixedRate(counter, 0, 1, MILLISECONDS); Thread.sleep(SMALL_DELAY_MS); h.cancel(true); int c = counter.count.get(); // By time scaling conventions, we must have at least // an execution per SHORT delay, but no more than one SHORT more assertTrue(c >= SMALL_DELAY_MS / SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(c <= SMALL_DELAY_MS + SHORT_DELAY_MS); joinPool(p1); } /** * scheduleWithFixedDelay executes series of tasks with given period */ public void testFixedDelaySequence() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); RunnableCounter counter = new RunnableCounter(); ScheduledFuture h = p1.scheduleWithFixedDelay(counter, 0, 1, MILLISECONDS); Thread.sleep(SMALL_DELAY_MS); h.cancel(true); int c = counter.count.get(); assertTrue(c >= SMALL_DELAY_MS / SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(c <= SMALL_DELAY_MS + SHORT_DELAY_MS); joinPool(p1); } /** * execute (null) throws NPE */ public void testExecuteNull() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.execute(null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) {} joinPool(se); } /** * schedule (null) throws NPE */ public void testScheduleNull() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { TrackedCallable callable = null; Future f = se.schedule(callable, SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) {} joinPool(se); } /** * execute throws RejectedExecutionException if shutdown */ public void testSchedule1_RejectedExecutionException() { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.shutdown(); se.schedule(new NoOpRunnable(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (RejectedExecutionException success) { } catch (SecurityException ok) { } joinPool(se); } /** * schedule throws RejectedExecutionException if shutdown */ public void testSchedule2_RejectedExecutionException() { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.shutdown(); se.schedule(new NoOpCallable(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (RejectedExecutionException success) { } catch (SecurityException ok) { } joinPool(se); } /** * schedule callable throws RejectedExecutionException if shutdown */ public void testSchedule3_RejectedExecutionException() { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.shutdown(); se.schedule(new NoOpCallable(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (RejectedExecutionException success) { } catch (SecurityException ok) { } joinPool(se); } /** * scheduleAtFixedRate throws RejectedExecutionException if shutdown */ public void testScheduleAtFixedRate1_RejectedExecutionException() { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.shutdown(); se.scheduleAtFixedRate(new NoOpRunnable(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (RejectedExecutionException success) { } catch (SecurityException ok) { } joinPool(se); } /** * scheduleWithFixedDelay throws RejectedExecutionException if shutdown */ public void testScheduleWithFixedDelay1_RejectedExecutionException() { CustomExecutor se = new CustomExecutor(1); try { se.shutdown(); se.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new NoOpRunnable(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (RejectedExecutionException success) { } catch (SecurityException ok) { } joinPool(se); } /** * getActiveCount increases but doesn't overestimate, when a * thread becomes active */ public void testGetActiveCount() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p2 = new CustomExecutor(2); assertEquals(0, p2.getActiveCount()); p2.execute(new SmallRunnable()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertEquals(1, p2.getActiveCount()); joinPool(p2); } /** * getCompletedTaskCount increases, but doesn't overestimate, * when tasks complete */ public void testGetCompletedTaskCount() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p2 = new CustomExecutor(2); assertEquals(0, p2.getCompletedTaskCount()); p2.execute(new SmallRunnable()); Thread.sleep(MEDIUM_DELAY_MS); assertEquals(1, p2.getCompletedTaskCount()); joinPool(p2); } /** * getCorePoolSize returns size given in constructor if not otherwise set */ public void testGetCorePoolSize() { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); assertEquals(1, p1.getCorePoolSize()); joinPool(p1); } /** * getLargestPoolSize increases, but doesn't overestimate, when * multiple threads active */ public void testGetLargestPoolSize() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p2 = new CustomExecutor(2); assertEquals(0, p2.getLargestPoolSize()); p2.execute(new SmallRunnable()); p2.execute(new SmallRunnable()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertEquals(2, p2.getLargestPoolSize()); joinPool(p2); } /** * getPoolSize increases, but doesn't overestimate, when threads * become active */ public void testGetPoolSize() { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); assertEquals(0, p1.getPoolSize()); p1.execute(new SmallRunnable()); assertEquals(1, p1.getPoolSize()); joinPool(p1); } /** * getTaskCount increases, but doesn't overestimate, when tasks * submitted */ public void testGetTaskCount() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); assertEquals(0, p1.getTaskCount()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) p1.execute(new SmallRunnable()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertEquals(5, p1.getTaskCount()); joinPool(p1); } /** * getThreadFactory returns factory in constructor if not set */ public void testGetThreadFactory() { ThreadFactory tf = new SimpleThreadFactory(); CustomExecutor p = new CustomExecutor(1, tf); assertSame(tf, p.getThreadFactory()); joinPool(p); } /** * setThreadFactory sets the thread factory returned by getThreadFactory */ public void testSetThreadFactory() { ThreadFactory tf = new SimpleThreadFactory(); CustomExecutor p = new CustomExecutor(1); p.setThreadFactory(tf); assertSame(tf, p.getThreadFactory()); joinPool(p); } /** * setThreadFactory(null) throws NPE */ public void testSetThreadFactoryNull() { CustomExecutor p = new CustomExecutor(1); try { p.setThreadFactory(null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(p); } } /** * is isShutDown is false before shutdown, true after */ public void testIsShutdown() { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); try { assertFalse(p1.isShutdown()); } finally { try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } } assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); } /** * isTerminated is false before termination, true after */ public void testIsTerminated() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); try { p1.execute(new SmallRunnable()); } finally { try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } } assertTrue(p1.awaitTermination(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); assertTrue(p1.isTerminated()); } /** * isTerminating is not true when running or when terminated */ public void testIsTerminating() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); assertFalse(p1.isTerminating()); try { p1.execute(new SmallRunnable()); assertFalse(p1.isTerminating()); } finally { try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } } assertTrue(p1.awaitTermination(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); assertTrue(p1.isTerminated()); assertFalse(p1.isTerminating()); } /** * getQueue returns the work queue, which contains queued tasks */ public void testGetQueue() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); ScheduledFuture[] tasks = new ScheduledFuture[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tasks[i] = p1.schedule(new SmallPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(), 1, MILLISECONDS); } try { Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); BlockingQueue q = p1.getQueue(); assertTrue(q.contains(tasks[4])); assertFalse(q.contains(tasks[0])); } finally { joinPool(p1); } } /** * remove(task) removes queued task, and fails to remove active task */ public void testRemove() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); ScheduledFuture[] tasks = new ScheduledFuture[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tasks[i] = p1.schedule(new SmallPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(), 1, MILLISECONDS); } try { Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); BlockingQueue q = p1.getQueue(); assertFalse(p1.remove((Runnable)tasks[0])); assertTrue(q.contains((Runnable)tasks[4])); assertTrue(q.contains((Runnable)tasks[3])); assertTrue(p1.remove((Runnable)tasks[4])); assertFalse(p1.remove((Runnable)tasks[4])); assertFalse(q.contains((Runnable)tasks[4])); assertTrue(q.contains((Runnable)tasks[3])); assertTrue(p1.remove((Runnable)tasks[3])); assertFalse(q.contains((Runnable)tasks[3])); } finally { joinPool(p1); } } /** * purge removes cancelled tasks from the queue */ public void testPurge() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); ScheduledFuture[] tasks = new ScheduledFuture[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tasks[i] = p1.schedule(new SmallPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(), SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); } try { int max = 5; if (tasks[4].cancel(true)) --max; if (tasks[3].cancel(true)) --max; // There must eventually be an interference-free point at // which purge will not fail. (At worst, when queue is empty.) int k; for (k = 0; k < SMALL_DELAY_MS; ++k) { p1.purge(); long count = p1.getTaskCount(); if (count >= 0 && count <= max) break; Thread.sleep(1); } assertTrue(k < SMALL_DELAY_MS); } finally { joinPool(p1); } } /** * shutDownNow returns a list containing tasks that were not run */ public void testShutDownNow() { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) p1.schedule(new SmallPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(), SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); List l; try { l = p1.shutdownNow(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); assertTrue(l.size() > 0 && l.size() <= 5); joinPool(p1); } /** * In default setting, shutdown cancels periodic but not delayed * tasks at shutdown */ public void testShutDown1() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); assertTrue(p1.getExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy()); assertFalse(p1.getContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy()); ScheduledFuture[] tasks = new ScheduledFuture[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) tasks[i] = p1.schedule(new NoOpRunnable(), SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } BlockingQueue q = p1.getQueue(); for (Iterator it = q.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ScheduledFuture t = (ScheduledFuture)it.next(); assertFalse(t.isCancelled()); } assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); Thread.sleep(SMALL_DELAY_MS); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { assertTrue(tasks[i].isDone()); assertFalse(tasks[i].isCancelled()); } } /** * If setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy is false, * delayed tasks are cancelled at shutdown */ public void testShutDown2() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); p1.setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(false); ScheduledFuture[] tasks = new ScheduledFuture[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) tasks[i] = p1.schedule(new NoOpRunnable(), SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); BlockingQueue q = p1.getQueue(); assertTrue(q.isEmpty()); Thread.sleep(SMALL_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(p1.isTerminated()); } /** * If setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy is set false, * periodic tasks are not cancelled at shutdown */ public void testShutDown3() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); p1.setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(false); ScheduledFuture task = p1.scheduleAtFixedRate(new NoOpRunnable(), 5, 5, MILLISECONDS); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); BlockingQueue q = p1.getQueue(); assertTrue(q.isEmpty()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(p1.isTerminated()); } /** * if setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy is true, * periodic tasks are cancelled at shutdown */ public void testShutDown4() throws InterruptedException { CustomExecutor p1 = new CustomExecutor(1); try { p1.setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(true); ScheduledFuture task = p1.scheduleAtFixedRate(new NoOpRunnable(), 1, 1, MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(task.isCancelled()); try { p1.shutdown(); } catch (SecurityException ok) { return; } assertFalse(task.isCancelled()); assertFalse(p1.isTerminated()); assertTrue(p1.isShutdown()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertFalse(task.isCancelled()); assertTrue(task.cancel(true)); assertTrue(task.isDone()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_DELAY_MS); assertTrue(p1.isTerminated()); } finally { joinPool(p1); } } /** * completed submit of callable returns result */ public void testSubmitCallable() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { Future future = e.submit(new StringTask()); String result = future.get(); assertSame(TEST_STRING, result); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * completed submit of runnable returns successfully */ public void testSubmitRunnable() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { Future future = e.submit(new NoOpRunnable()); future.get(); assertTrue(future.isDone()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * completed submit of (runnable, result) returns result */ public void testSubmitRunnable2() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { Future future = e.submit(new NoOpRunnable(), TEST_STRING); String result = future.get(); assertSame(TEST_STRING, result); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAny(null) throws NPE */ public void testInvokeAny1() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAny(null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAny(empty collection) throws IAE */ public void testInvokeAny2() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAny(new ArrayList>()); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAny(c) throws NPE if c has null elements */ public void testInvokeAny3() throws Exception { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(latchAwaitingStringTask(latch)); l.add(null); try { e.invokeAny(l); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { latch.countDown(); joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAny(c) throws ExecutionException if no task completes */ public void testInvokeAny4() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new NPETask()); try { e.invokeAny(l); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertTrue(success.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAny(c) returns result of some task */ public void testInvokeAny5() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(new StringTask()); String result = e.invokeAny(l); assertSame(TEST_STRING, result); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAll(null) throws NPE */ public void testInvokeAll1() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAll(null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAll(empty collection) returns empty collection */ public void testInvokeAll2() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> r = e.invokeAll(new ArrayList>()); assertTrue(r.isEmpty()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAll(c) throws NPE if c has null elements */ public void testInvokeAll3() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(null); try { e.invokeAll(l); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * get of invokeAll(c) throws exception on failed task */ public void testInvokeAll4() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new NPETask()); List> futures = e.invokeAll(l); assertEquals(1, futures.size()); try { futures.get(0).get(); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertTrue(success.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * invokeAll(c) returns results of all completed tasks */ public void testInvokeAll5() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(new StringTask()); List> futures = e.invokeAll(l); assertEquals(2, futures.size()); for (Future future : futures) assertSame(TEST_STRING, future.get()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(null) throws NPE */ public void testTimedInvokeAny1() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAny(null, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(,,null) throws NPE */ public void testTimedInvokeAnyNullTimeUnit() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); try { e.invokeAny(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(empty collection) throws IAE */ public void testTimedInvokeAny2() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAny(new ArrayList>(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(c) throws NPE if c has null elements */ public void testTimedInvokeAny3() throws Exception { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(latchAwaitingStringTask(latch)); l.add(null); try { e.invokeAny(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { latch.countDown(); joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(c) throws ExecutionException if no task completes */ public void testTimedInvokeAny4() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new NPETask()); try { e.invokeAny(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertTrue(success.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAny(c) returns result of some task */ public void testTimedInvokeAny5() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(new StringTask()); String result = e.invokeAny(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertSame(TEST_STRING, result); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(null) throws NPE */ public void testTimedInvokeAll1() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { e.invokeAll(null, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(,,null) throws NPE */ public void testTimedInvokeAllNullTimeUnit() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); try { e.invokeAll(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, null); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(empty collection) returns empty collection */ public void testTimedInvokeAll2() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> r = e.invokeAll(new ArrayList>(), MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertTrue(r.isEmpty()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(c) throws NPE if c has null elements */ public void testTimedInvokeAll3() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(null); try { e.invokeAll(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); shouldThrow(); } catch (NullPointerException success) { } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * get of element of invokeAll(c) throws exception on failed task */ public void testTimedInvokeAll4() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new NPETask()); List> futures = e.invokeAll(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertEquals(1, futures.size()); try { futures.get(0).get(); shouldThrow(); } catch (ExecutionException success) { assertTrue(success.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(c) returns results of all completed tasks */ public void testTimedInvokeAll5() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(new StringTask()); List> futures = e.invokeAll(l, MEDIUM_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertEquals(2, futures.size()); for (Future future : futures) assertSame(TEST_STRING, future.get()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } /** * timed invokeAll(c) cancels tasks not completed by timeout */ public void testTimedInvokeAll6() throws Exception { ExecutorService e = new CustomExecutor(2); try { List> l = new ArrayList>(); l.add(new StringTask()); l.add(Executors.callable(new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(), TEST_STRING)); l.add(new StringTask()); List> futures = e.invokeAll(l, SHORT_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS); assertEquals(3, futures.size()); Iterator> it = futures.iterator(); Future f1 = it.next(); Future f2 = it.next(); Future f3 = it.next(); assertTrue(f1.isDone()); assertTrue(f2.isDone()); assertTrue(f3.isDone()); assertFalse(f1.isCancelled()); assertTrue(f2.isCancelled()); } finally { joinPool(e); } } }