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Interface collections.Map

public interface interface Map
extends Collection
Maps maintain keyed elements. Any kind of Object may serve as a key for an element.

Method Index

 o aKeyOf(Object)
Return a key associated with element.
 o at(Object)
Return the element associated with Key key.
 o canIncludeKey(Object)
Report whether the Map COULD include k as a key Always returns false if k is null
 o includesAt(Object, Object)
Report whether there exists a (key, value) pair
 o includesKey(Object)
Report whether there exists any element with Key key.
 o keys()
Return an enumeration that may be used to traverse through the keys (not elements) of the collection.
 o puttingAt(Object, Object)
Construct a new Map that is a clone of self except that it includes the new pair.
 o removingAt(Object)
Construct a new Map that is a clone of self except that it does not include the given key.


 o canIncludeKey
 public abstract boolean canIncludeKey(Object k)
Report whether the Map COULD include k as a key Always returns false if k is null

 o includesKey
 public abstract boolean includesKey(Object key)
Report whether there exists any element with Key key.

true if there is such an element
 o includesAt
 public abstract boolean includesAt(Object key,
                                    Object value)
Report whether there exists a (key, value) pair

true if there is such an element
 o keys
 public abstract CollectionEnumeration keys()
Return an enumeration that may be used to traverse through the keys (not elements) of the collection. The corresponding elements can be looked at by using at(k) for each key k. For example:
 Enumeration keys = amap.keys();
 while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
   Object key = keys.nextElement();
   Object value =
 // ...

the enumeration
 o at
 public abstract Object at(Object key) throws NoSuchElementException
Return the element associated with Key key.

key - a key
element such that includesAt(key, element)
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if !includesKey(key)
 o aKeyOf
 public abstract Object aKeyOf(Object element)
Return a key associated with element. There may be any number of keys associated with any element, but this returns only one of them (any arbitrary one), or null if no such key exists.

element, - a value to try to find a key for.
k, such that
 (k == null && !includes(element)) ||  includesAt(k, element)
 o puttingAt
 public abstract Map puttingAt(Object key,
                               Object element) throws IllegalElementException
Construct a new Map that is a clone of self except that it includes the new pair. If there already exists another pair with the same key, the new collection will instead have one with the new elment.

the - key for element to add
the - element to add
the new Map c, for which: &&
 foreach (k in keys())
 foreach (k in c.keys()) (!k.equals(key)) -->
 o removingAt
 public abstract Map removingAt(Object key)
Construct a new Map that is a clone of self except that it does not include the given key. It is NOT an error to exclude a non-existent key.

key - the key for the par to remove
element - the element for the par to remove
the new Map c, for which:
 foreach (v in c.keys()) includesAt(v, at(v)) &&

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