List of observations

Here are some comments sent by Ervin Varga

Here is the convention used in this document:

COMMENT - This is a bare suggestion or observation regarding some issue from the book not necessarily related to a bug in a code or omission in the text

BUG - This a bug found in a source code published in the book

OVERSIGHT - An errata in the text or a suspicious statement in the book

All remarks conform to the following template:

<category><page number(s)>, where categories are given above.

<introduction>, a short inaugural text clarifying the context for the remark

<theme>, the body of a remark

[<references>], literatures used for a remark, if any



Here is a quote from a book:

"A writing thread releases a synchronization lock and a reading thread subsequently acquires that same synchronization lock."

The above statement is perplexing. The next paragraph in the book, located just beneath of the above statement, clarifies this situation, yet, the quoted declaration is misleading and should be reformulated.


The Java Language Specification contains the following part:

"Any association between locks and variables is purely conventional. Locking any lock conceptually flushes all variables from a thread's working memory, and unlocking any lock forces the writing out to main memory of all variables that the thread has assigned. That a lock may be associated with a particular object or a class is purely a convention. In some applications, it may be appropriate always to lock an object before accessing any of its instance variables, for example; synchronized methods are a convenient way to follow this convention. In other applications, it may suffice to use a single lock to synchronize access to a large collection of objects."

It unmistakably tells that acquiring a same lock is not necessary, simply locking and unlocking unrelated locks is enough, as those are the places where memory synchronization are guaranteed to happen.


  1. James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, The JavaTM Language Specification; Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

COMMENT page 105


The book mentions that InheritableThreadLocal class extends ThreadLocal without giving some further explanation of the prominent differences between these two classes.


The ThreadLocal class has a relative, InheritableThreadLocal, which functions in a similar manner, but is suitable for an entirely different sort of application(s). When a child thread is created, the child receives initial values for all inheritable thread-local variables for which the parent has values. If a child thread calls get on an InheritableThreadLocal, it sees the same object as the parent would. To preserve thread-safety, InheritableThreadLocal should be used only for immutable objects, because the object is shared between multiple threads. InheritableThreadLocal is useful for passing data from a parent thread to a child thread, such as a User ID, or a Transaction ID, but not for stateful objects like JDBC Connections.

This particular property of InheritableThreadLocal class should be emphasized in the book.


  1. Brian Goetz, Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability, IBM developerWorks, October 2001.

  2. J2SE 1.4 API documentation

OVERSIGHT page 167


Here is a quote from a book:

"Callback-based handling may also apply when the service itself does not even know which exception should throw upon failure."

In this form the previous statement is a bit controversial, thus, should be reformulated into an unmistakable shape.


Looking from a higher perspective, it is true that sometimes a service does not know the context of its usage, i.e. how it is used in a given situation. This is especially a case for a service provided by a exceedingly reusable component/subsystem. Nevertheless, a service should know about its local execution environment delineated by the component's boundaries. Accordingly, a service should be responsible for throwing an exception containing information only related to a service's own level of abstraction, i.e. knowledge of failure. Higher level parts of the system would then embellish this exception with further context dependent details, probably by nesting the cause exception thrown by a service into a new one. All in all, a service should know which exception to throw; although, it does not need to know the "top" level exception appropriate for upper application layer(s). Conversely, the higher layers will not be able to know what happened inside a service, i.e. on micro-level, if the service does not react to a failure properly (possibly by throwing an appropriate exception). Callbacks used in a manner stated in the quote (see above) would only jeopardize encapsulation and introduce unnecessary couplings.

The concept of nested exceptions is particularly useful in multi-layered designs, where each layer packs the exception caught at lower level into a new adorned one and rethrows it (of course, only in case when it can not handle the exception itself). Moreover, the new 1.4 version of Java 2 directly supports nested exceptions, also known as chained exception facility.


  1. Steve Ball, Exception Handling in Large Systems, Java Report, July 2000.

  2. J2SE 1.4 API documentation

  3. Bill Venners, Exceptions in Java, JavaWorld, July 1998.

  4. Bill Venners, Designing with Exceptions, JavaWorld, July 1998.

  5. Terren Suydam, Use Nested Exceptions in Multitiered Environment, JavaWorld, 1999.

OVERSIGHT page 198


The remark is associated with the statement in the book telling that a release method has to be synchronized as an assurance that a memory synchronization would occur upon lock release.


The release method does not need to be synchronized in this sense, given that the updated field is volatile, so the memory is flushed immediately after a value has been written to a field.

OVERSIGHT page 211


The remark is associated with the contemplation why method pop should not be overridden. Here is a quote from a book:

"Among other considerations, the different policies of balking versus waiting are reflected in the different signatures of the methods..."

This is not accurate and could be very confusing for novice Java developers.


The throws clause does not contribute to the method's signature. The method signature is defined in the Java Language Specification as:

"The signature of a method consists of the name of the method and the number and types of formal parameters to the method."


  1. James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, The JavaTM Language Specification; Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

COMMENT page 221


The remark is pertaining to a general rule advocated in the book while describing the Pool class employing a layered synchronization structure.


There is a nicely documented architectural pattern called Thread-Safe Interface [1], which also deals with issues surrounding the minimization of locking overhead and prevention of 'self-deadlock'. Of course, the last issue is not so relevant for Java, as it uses re-entrant monitors. Nevertheless, reacquiring the same lock does introduce penalties, which could be avoided if the aforementioned pattern is leveraged. The Pool class would not actually benefit a lot by applying this pattern, but other classes could, especially whose inner synchronized methods (non-public) call each other frequently.

Maybe it would be good to have an example in the book demonstrating this pattern in practice, too.


  1. Douglas Schmidt, Michael Stal, Hans Rohnert, Frank Buschmann, PATTERN-ORIENTED SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE; Volume 2, Wiley, 2001.

OVERSIGHT page 243


Before delving into a more detail, let us recall couple of important aspects related to the example given in a book (requirements, design & implementation).

On page 241 the following requirements have been stated:

"...consider a service that automatically transfers money from a savings account to a checking account whenever the checking balance falls below some threshold, but only if the savings account is not overdrawn."

On the same page, a bulleted list of items commenced listing observations that should lead to a solution. As we will see later, the implementation has not followed this analysis.

On page 243 the following were written:

"All this leads to the following very special subclasses of BankAccount, tuned to work only in their given context."

"The decision on whether to mark these classes as final is a close call. However, there is just enough latitude for minor variations in the methods and protocols not to preclude knowledgeable subclass authors from, say, modifying the transfer conditions in shouldTry or the amount to transfer in transferOut."

This last citation is crucial and we will concentrate on it the next section.


Yes, it is good to provide subclass authors with possibilities to adjust our classes in various ways, therefore, boosting the opportunity for a reuse. But, this also means that we should be tremendously vigilant what should we allow to be changed and how should we enforce proper subclassing. This last topic is interesting enough to be further elaborated, but due to space limitations I will skip it (after all, this is a document describing remarks about a book, and not a book itself). :) The only thing I would like to mention is that a superclass and subclass should have compatible state machines. More on this can be found, for example, in [1], but actually the possibility of swerving from this principle was a principal cause of a trouble. When subclass authors do not take into consideration all those ethics stated in myriad of books dealing with object oriented software design and we do not, as superclass authors, protect ourselves from such 'subclassings' the problems arrive.

Please, take a look at the base BankAccount class. As you can see, it is implemented in such a way that it can never be overdrawn. The ATCheckingAccount and ATSavingsAccount classes both extend the BankAccount class without touching the withdraw and/or deposit methods, consequently, they can not be overdrawn either. Moreover, if you carefully look into the implementation of the ATCheckingAccount class you will NOT find any point where it protects itself from a possibility to work with a kind of savings account, which can be overdrawn (this is a point where implementation does not follow the result of analysis).

Imagine a situation when a subclass author extends the ATSavingsAccount class in a way to let it go into an overdrawn state. The attachment contains a Java program called AccountTest. (See There you will find a class ATOverdrawableSavingsAccount (apparently, this class has an incompatible state machine compared to the ATSavingsAccount class). The AccountTest class demonstrates what happens if someone pass an instance of ATOverdrawableSavingsAccount to an ATCheckingAccount object.

There is one another drawback with a BankAccount class. It is semantically nonsense to deposit or withdraw a negative amount of many to/from an account. Currently, the BankAccount class allows these kinds of manipulations. It would be more natural to have clear interface methods deposit(long amount) and withdraw(long amount), which would prohibit such misuses and call an inner one, for example doDeposit(long amount), to do the actual work. Moreover, it is always a doubtful design decision to let an interface method call another interface method of the same class.


  1. Martin Fowler, Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models, Addison-Wesley, 1997.

OVERSIGHT page 247


On page 6 (section § in the book the following recommendation can be found:

"Never lock when invoking methods on other objects."

On page 246 you can find the next citation:

"Instead, here you can apply our default rules from § and release unnecessary locks when making calls from Subjects to Observers, which serves to implement the desired coupling."

As wee can see, this is not systematically followed throughout the implementation of the Observer class.


The implementation of the changed method of the Observer class does not conform to the rule given on page 6, hence, liveness problems could emerge for threads executing the aforementioned method. The changed method calls display while still holding the synchronization lock, and it is highly possible that such a displaying activity will take a considerable amount of time and call other objects' methods (the implementation listed in a book is exceedingly simple, yet, it does call another object's method, namely System.out.println()). Moreover, since the display method is declared as protected, subclasses are free to incorporate more complex displaying implementations, though.

Threads executing the changeValue method of the Subject class could spend much of their time waiting for Observers to refresh their displays and this could trigger liveness problems (one thread is waiting to access the Observer instance "held" by a second thread just now refreshing a display).

The displaying activity should be carefully isolated from the process of barely informing Observers about a state change in a Subject.

The book should, at least, contain a note about this particular issue, though.

OVERSIGHT pages 253, 254


The remark is connected to interfaces Transactor and TransBankAccount found on pages 253 and 254, respectively.


Explicitly declaring operations in interfaces as public is not only superfluous, but is also considered as an unpleasant programming style.

OVERSIGHT page 257


Here is a quote from a book on page 256:

"But this version suffices to illustrate the general structure of transactional classes and also, implicitly, how much more code would be required to build a more useful version:"

Usefulness is one thing, but the implementation of the SimpleTransBankAccount class is also erroneous, because it does not handle properly the cases when null values (for a Transaction argument) are passed to it's transactional methods.


While an account is not engaged in a transaction the value of the currentTx field is always set to null (this is a kind of indication that there is no current transaction). In this state, all transaction related actions, such as a deposit/withdraw of money to/from an account, must be prohibited. Unfortunately, it is quite possible to deposit an amount to the account just by passing a null as Transaction argument and afterward, you can even commit a change in a similar manner. All in all, this is a classical example what could happen when special state conditions (such as 'no current transaction') of objects are not designated and managed properly.

Also, if you look carefully into the implementation of the aforementioned class, you will notice that clients can not interrogate the account's stable balance (represented as a protected field balance) while it is engaged in a transaction. A version of a balance method supporting a special null-transaction type is highly suggested.

Of course, it is straightforward to create a new subclass of SimpleTransBankAccount class, which would correct the previously mentioned faults. The book should explicitly advise such an action.

OVERSIGHT page 259


Here is a quote from the book:

"Transaction error. Unrecoverable, catastrophic operation failure can occur if objects fail to commit after they say they can."

The FailedTransferException exception is defined to be a checked exception (it extends the Exception class) whilst it is more appropriate to be defined as an unchecked one.


If you take a look into the implementation of the AccountUser class you'll notice that a FailureTransferException exception designates a transaction error (a description for this kind of error is given in the citation above). Since, it is a severe error, probably an unrecoverable one, it is not a wise choice to force clients to always catch and handle this exception (almost certainly, clients even do not know how to handle it). Checked exceptions indicate conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch, but this is not a case with a FailureTransferException exception.

As FailureTransferException exception is related to a rather serious problem (abnormal condition) it is more appropriate to represent it as a kind of Error. At least, it should be an unchecked exception. Accordingly, the AccountUser's transfer method should not declare in its throws clause this exception.


  1. J2SE 1.4 API documentation

COMMENT page 266


The remark is related to an implementation issue pertaining to classes realizing the Sync interface.


If a waiting thread, which have had invoked the wait method of the Object class, gets interrupted by another thread an InterruptedException will be thrown. The major thing to note here is that the interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.

All classes realizing the Sync interface have to preserve this semantic constraint, that is, the acquire and attempt methods ought to be compatible with a wait method regarding this matter. This sentence should be attached as an additional item to the list of observations presented in the book. The Semaphore class properly handles this, as all other class mentioned in the book do, but it would be also good to explicitly publicize this directive.

COMMENT page 271


The remark is related to an implementation of the BoundedBufferWithDelegates class.


In order to boost the comprehensibility (and perhaps safety, as well) of the code all three private fields (array, putter and taker) of the aforementioned class should be declared as final, though.

COMMENT page 277


The remark is associated with the meaning of the released field found in the WaitNode class (see page 279).


It should be emphasized in the book that the released field in the WaitNode class also guards against missed signals.

Consider the following scenario. The FIFO semaphore was initialized with some number of initialPermits and all those had been "allocated" to different threads. Any further attempt to acquire a semaphore would automatically enqueue the request and probably put a thread in a wait state. Suppose a new thread (in the rest of the text denoted as 'first') arrives trying to acquire a semaphore. In this condition its request will be enqueued. Just before hitting the node.doWait call a thread is switched by another one (denoted as 'second') releasing a semaphore. Since, there is a request in the queue it will be processed by setting the released field of the WaitNode instance to true and summoning a notify call. At this point there is no thread to be notified for this particular node. If the 'first' thread would have been allowed to enter wait (see the implementation of the doWait() method) after a semaphore release (performed by a 'second' thread) the signal (a previously mentioned notification) would be missed, though. In other words, the 'first' thread would not notice that someone released a semaphore in the meantime.

OVERSIGHT page 294


Here is a quote from a book:

"Provide a shutdown method in the worker thread class that causes existing workers to die and no additional workers to be created."

This method should not be put in the worker thread class.


The thread pool class has the responsibility of managing workers, so this is the best place to put the aforementioned method. Actually, in util.concurrent package exactly this principle was followed, unfortunately, the citation from the book is not synchronized with a solution employed in the formerly mentioned package, though.

BUG page 298


The remark is related to an implemenation of the TimerDaemon class.


First, the comment found in the body of the activate method is not correct. Instead of PlainWorkerThread PlainWorkerPool should be referenced (this class is introduced on page 291). Moreover, the method activate should be declared as protected, as it is done in the aforementioned PlainWorkerPool class.

Second, the method take contains an error, it would prematurely run scheduled tasks. The fix is very simple, the line long waitTime = now - t.execTime; has to be changed to long waitTime = t.execTime - now;.

OVERSIGHT page 319


The remark is connected with the implementation of the Joiner class.


The method tryJoin has been unnecessarily declared as synchronized. Since, it is always called from synchronized methods it is superfluous to attempt to acquire the already held lock.

OVERSIGHT page 328


Here is a quote from a book:

"This can be a risky strategy, since it will cause indefinite suspension of ready callbacks if one or more of them never completes. This drawback could be addressed by associating time-outs with the waits."

Barely returning as an answer to interruption is not satisfying, too. The book does not contain a warning about this issue.


Let us assume that a client initiated four file reads indexed as 0, 1, 2 and 3. Moreover, presume that threads have completed reading files in the following order 2 0 1 3. If, for example, thread 2 gets interrupted while waiting for its turn then thread 3 will wait indefinitely for its condition to be met.

OVERSIGHT page 340


The remark is mainly associated with the implementation of the DiskTaskQueue class.


The example you've provided (a class controlling read and write access for a disk containing many cylinders but only one read/write head) is an excellent primer for an architectural pattern called Half-Sync/Half-Async, which decouples asynchronous and synchronous service processing in concurrent systems, to make client side API easier for use while at the same time preserving, hopefully increasing, the overall system's performance. It is nicely documented in the book [1].

The DiskTaskQueue implementation does not guarantee a full cylinder-based ordering. The heads of queues (thisSweep and nextSweep) are never updated during insertions, even if the newly added DiskTask's cylinder number is less than the corresponding head's one.

Here is an example. Suppose a multi-threaded client makes three successive requests to a scheduler (for a sake of brevity assume that all these tasks will be put into the current queue):, ...);

scheduler.write(200, ...);, ...);

The queue will be arranged as 150, 100, 200.