
Instructor: Doug Lea
Class: Tu-Th 9:35am
Office/Lab hours. Normally M-F 11-12
Course home page:


Michael Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics, Morgan Kaufman, 2009.

Additionally, you will be asked to read on-line language tutorials.


The course organization generally follows the main text, including coverage of syntax, binding, semantics, control flow, data types, functional programming and logic programming. Lectures on these topics will be interspersed with introductory tutorials on the five languages covered in more depth, which are also the focus of the main programming assignments.


Subject to minor change:
Midterm exam (15%)
near Spring break
Final exam (15%)
during finals week
5 programming assignments (70%)
Programs may not be submitted unless they successfully run according to specification. You must demo your program within 2 days of submitting it. Five percent credit is taken off per day late.
  1. Assignment 1
  2. Assignment 2
  3. Assignment 3
  4. Assignment 4
  5. Assignment 5

If you have a disabling condition, which may interfere with your ability to successfully complete this course, please contact the Office of Disability Services.

SUNY Oswego is committed to Intellectual Integrity. Any form of intellectual dishonesty is a serious concern and therefore prohibited. The full policy can be found at

Doug Lea