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Revision: 1.24
Committed: Mon May 19 03:02:39 2003 UTC (21 years, 4 months ago) by dholmes
Content type: text/xml
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.23: +2 -1 lines
Log Message:
Added docsourcelevel attribute so that javac/javadoc don't user the same
attributes - thus allowing use of generics enabled javac while still having
plain old javadoc.

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tim 1.18 <project name="jsr166" default="usage">
2 tim 1.1
3     <description>
4 tim 1.18 Build file for JSR-166
6     JUnit 1.8 must be in ${ant.home}/lib for the test target to work.
7     </description>
8 tim 1.11
9 tim 1.3
10 tim 1.18 <target name="usage" description="Prints this message">
11     <echo>
12     ant [target], where target is one of:
14     usage (default) Prints this message
15     compile Compiles all sources to build folder
16     jar Builds library jar from compiled sources
17     test Runs all tests (requires JUnit 1.8 in ${ant.home}/lib)
18     docs Builds javadocs with custom tags to build folder
19     dist-docs Builds javadocs without custom tags to dist folder
20     dist Puts all distributable products in single hierarchy
22     clean Removes all build products
23     dist-clean Removes all build and distribution products
25     checkstyle Reports on style errors in Java source (verbose, mostly chaff)
26     doccheck Reports on javadoc style errors (not working yet)
27     </echo>
28     </target>
29 tim 1.11
30 tim 1.23 <property file=""/>
31     <property name="testcase" value="*"/>
32 tim 1.1
33     <!-- Compilation options -->
34 tim 1.11 <property name="build.sourcelevel" value="1.5"/>
35 dholmes 1.24 <property name="build.docsourcelevel" value="1.4"/>
36 tim 1.1 <property name="build.debug" value="true"/>
37     <property name="build.debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars"/>
38 tim 1.13 <property name="build.deprecation" value="false"/>
39     <!--
40 tim 1.11 <property name="build.warnings" value="true"/>
41 tim 1.13 -->
42 tim 1.1
43     <!-- Build locations -->
44     <property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
45     <property name="build.classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes"/>
46     <property name="build.testcases.dir" location="${build.dir}/testcases"/>
47     <property name="build.lib.dir" location="${build.dir}/lib"/>
48     <property name="build.ant.dir" location="${build.dir}/ant"/>
49 tim 1.9 <property name="build.javadocs.dir" location="${build.dir}/javadocs"/>
50 tim 1.16 <property name="build.stripped.dir" location="${build.dir}/stripped"/>
51 tim 1.1 <property name="build.reports.dir" location="${build.dir}/reports"/>
52 tim 1.16 <property name="build.doccheck.dir" location="${build.dir}/doccheck"/>
53 tim 1.1 <property name="build.filter.src.dir" location="${build.dir}/filtersrc"/>
55     <!-- Source locations -->
56 tim 1.22 <property name="src.dir" location="${basedir}/src/main"/>
57     <property name="test.src.dir" location="${basedir}/src/test"/>
58 tim 1.1 <property name="ant.src.dir" location="${basedir}/etc/ant"/>
59     <property name="stylesheet.dir" location="${basedir}/etc/xsl"/>
60     <property name="lib.dir" location="${basedir}/lib"/>
61 tim 1.9 <property name="dist.dir" location="${basedir}/dist"/>
63     <!-- Distribution locations -->
64     <property name="dist.javadocs.dir" location="${dist.dir}/docs"/>
65 tim 1.1
66     <!-- Jar locations -->
67     <property name="product.jar" location="${build.lib.dir}/jsr166.jar"/>
68     <property name="javac.jar" location="${lib.dir}/javac.jar"/>
69     <property name="collect.jar" location="${lib.dir}/collect.jar"/>
70     <property name="junit.jar" location="${lib.dir}/junit.jar"/>
71     <property name="rt.jar" location="${java.home}/lib/rt.jar"/>
73 tim 1.11 <property name="javac.args" value='-J-Xbootclasspath/p:${javac.jar}'/>
74 tim 1.1
75 tim 1.11 <path id="javac.bootclasspath">
76 tim 1.2 <pathelement location="${collect.jar}"/>
77     <pathelement location="${rt.jar}"/>
78     </path>
80     <path id="test.classpath">
81     <pathelement location="${product.jar}"/>
82     </path>
84 tim 1.1
85 tim 1.11 <!-- Main targets -->
87     <target name="compile" depends="init"
88     description="Compiles all sources to build folder">
89 tim 1.1 <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
90     <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
91     destdir="${build.classes.dir}"
92     debug="${build.debug}"
93     debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
94     deprecation="${build.deprecation}"
95     source="${build.sourcelevel}"
96     fork="true">
98 tim 1.11 <bootclasspath refid="javac.bootclasspath"/>
99     <compilerarg line="${javac.args} ${build.warnings.option}"/>
100 tim 1.1
101     </javac>
102     </target>
105 tim 1.11 <target name="jar" depends="compile"
106     description="Builds library jar from compiled sources">
107 tim 1.1 <mkdir dir="${build.lib.dir}"/>
108     <jar basedir="${build.classes.dir}"
109     destfile="${product.jar}"
110     />
111     </target>
114 tim 1.18 <target name="test" depends="init, check-junit, report-tests"
115     description="Runs all tests (requires JUnit 1.8 in ${ant.home}/lib)"/>
116 tim 1.1
118 tim 1.16 <target name="checkstyle" depends="filter-src"
119 tim 1.18 description="Reports on style errors in Java source (verbose, mostly chaff)">
120 tim 1.15 <taskdef resource=""
121     classpath="${lib.dir}/checkstyle-all-2.4.jar"/>
123     <checkstyle>
124 tim 1.16 <formatter type="plain"/> <!-- also available: type="xml" -->
125 tim 1.15 <fileset dir="${build.filter.src.dir}" includes="**/*.java"/>
126     </checkstyle>
127     </target>
129 tim 1.16
130     <target name="doccheck" depends="filter-src"
131 tim 1.18 description="Reports on javadoc style errors (not working yet)">
132 tim 1.16 <delete dir="${build.doccheck.dir}"/>
133     <mkdir dir="${build.doccheck.dir}"/>
134     <javadoc doclet=""
135     docletpath="${lib.dir}/doccheck.jar"
136     destdir="${build.doccheck.dir}">
137 tim 1.22 <packageset dir="${build.filter.src.dir}"/>
138 tim 1.16 </javadoc>
139     </target>
142     <target name="docs" depends="filter-src"
143 tim 1.9 description="Builds javadocs with custom tags to build folder">
144     <delete dir="${build.javadocs.dir}"/>
145     <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs.dir}"/>
146     <javadoc destdir="${build.javadocs.dir}"
147 tim 1.8 link=""
148     overview="${src.dir}/intro.html"
149 dholmes 1.24 source="${build.docsourcelevel}">
150 tim 1.8
151 tim 1.9 <tag name="revised" description="Last revised:"/>
152     <tag name="spec" description="Specified by:"/>
153     <tag name="editor" description="Last edited by:"/>
154     <tag name="fixme" description="FIX ME:"/>
155 tim 1.22 <packageset dir="${build.filter.src.dir}"/>
156 tim 1.8
157     </javadoc>
158     </target>
161 tim 1.22 <!--
162     # javac -s doesn't reliably generate compilable code. It generates
163     # bridge methods (marked as "synthetic") that can have identical
164     # signatures to existing methods except for the return value.
165     -->
166 tim 1.16 <target name="strip" depends="init">
167     <mkdir dir="${build.stripped.dir}"/>
168     <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
169     destdir="${build.stripped.dir}"
170     debug="${build.debug}"
171     debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
172     deprecation="${build.deprecation}"
173     source="${build.sourcelevel}"
174     fork="true">
176     <bootclasspath refid="javac.bootclasspath"/>
177     <compilerarg line="${javac.args} ${build.warnings.option} -s"/>
179     </javac>
180     </target>
183     <target name="dist" depends="init, dist-clean, dist-jar, dist-docs"
184     description="Puts all distributable products in single hierarchy"/>
185 tim 1.1
187 tim 1.11 <target name="clean"
188     description="Removes all build products">
189     <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
190     <delete dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
191     <delete dir="${build.lib.dir}"/>
192 tim 1.1 </target>
195 tim 1.11 <target name="dist-clean"
196     description="Removes all build and distribution products">
197     <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
198 tim 1.9 </target>
199 tim 1.10
201 tim 1.14 <!-- Anthill targets -->
203     <!-- Should really run the tests instead of just the jar target -->
204 tim 1.18 <target name="anthill-build" depends="jar, docs, dist-docs"/>
205 tim 1.14
206     <target name="anthill-publish">
207     <copy todir="${deployDir}/docs/private">
208     <fileset dir="${build.javadocs.dir}"/>
209     </copy>
210     <copy todir="${deployDir}/docs/public">
211     <fileset dir="${dist.javadocs.dir}"/>
212     </copy>
213 tim 1.17 <copy tofile="${deployDir}/index.html"
214     file="${basedir}/etc/anthill-index.html"/>
215 tim 1.19 <copy todir="${deployDir}/notes">
216     <fileset dir="${basedir}/etc/notes"/>
217     </copy>
218 tim 1.14 </target>
221 tim 1.11 <!-- Internal targets -->
222 tim 1.9
223 tim 1.11 <target name="set-warnings-if" if="build.warnings">
224     <property name="build.warnings.option" value="-warnunchecked"/>
225     </target>
226 tim 1.9
227 tim 1.16
228 tim 1.11 <target name="set-warnings-unless" unless="build.warnings">
229     <property name="build.warnings.option" value=""/>
230 tim 1.6 </target>
232 tim 1.16
233 tim 1.11 <target name="init" depends="set-warnings-if, set-warnings-unless">
234     <!-- Version is kept in a separate file -->
235     <loadfile property="version" srcFile=""/>
236     <echo>Building JSR-166 version ${version}</echo>
237 tim 1.9 </target>
240 tim 1.11 <target name="dist-jar" depends="clean, jar">
241     <copy file="${product.jar}" todir="${dist.dir}"/>
242     </target>
245 tim 1.16 <target name="dist-docs" depends="filter-src"
246 tim 1.11 description="Builds javadocs without custom tags to dist folder">
247     <delete dir="${dist.javadocs.dir}"/>
248     <mkdir dir="${dist.javadocs.dir}"/>
249     <javadoc destdir="${dist.javadocs.dir}"
250     link=""
251     overview="${src.dir}/intro.html"
252     source="${build.sourcelevel}">
254 tim 1.22 <packageset dir="${build.filter.src.dir}"/>
255 tim 1.11
256     </javadoc>
257     </target>
259 tim 1.1
260 tim 1.16 <target name="compile-ant-filter" depends="init">
261 tim 1.1 <mkdir dir="${build.ant.dir}"/>
262     <javac srcdir="${ant.src.dir}"
263     destdir="${build.ant.dir}"
264     source="1.4"
265     />
266     </target>
269 tim 1.11 <target name="filter-src" depends="compile-ant-filter">
270 tim 1.1 <mkdir dir="${build.filter.src.dir}"/>
271     <copy todir="${build.filter.src.dir}">
272     <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
273 tim 1.22 <include name="**/*.java"/>
274 tim 1.1 </fileset>
275     <filterchain>
276     <filterreader classname="jsr166.ant.filters.ReplaceFilter"
277     classpath="${build.ant.dir}">
278     <!--
279     # These arguments are to get rid of angle-bracketed type
280     # parameters so that javadoc can run on the result. The
281     # following heuristic that seems to work:
282     #
283     # For all lines not starting with space(s)-asterisk-space(s),
284     # replace <something> with a space, where there may be more
285     # than one right angle bracket at the end, and "something"
286     # must not contain parens or pipes. (This may need some
287     # tweaking.)
288     -->
289     <param name="notmatching" value="^\s+\*\s.*$"/>
290     <param name="pattern" value="&lt;[^|>()]+?>+"/>
291     <param name="replacement" value=" "/>
292     </filterreader>
293     <filterreader classname="jsr166.ant.filters.ReplaceFilter"
294     classpath="${build.ant.dir}">
295     <!--
296     # These arguments are to uncomment lines beginning with
297     # "//@" so that javadoc can see imports that are needed
298     # to resolve links but that shouldn't be in the compiled
299     # code.
300     -->
301     <param name="matching" value="^//@.*$"/>
302     <param name="pattern" value="^//@"/>
303     <param name="replacement" value=""/>
304     </filterreader>
305     </filterchain>
306     </copy>
307     </target>
310     <target name="compile-tests" depends="jar">
311     <mkdir dir="${build.testcases.dir}"/>
312     <javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
313     destdir="${build.testcases.dir}"
314     debug="${build.debug}"
315     debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
316     deprecation="${build.deprecation}"
317     source="${build.sourcelevel}"
318     fork="true">
320 tim 1.11 <bootclasspath refid="javac.bootclasspath"/>
321     <compilerarg line="${javac.args} ${build.warnings.option}"/>
322 tim 1.2 <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
323 tim 1.1
324     </javac>
325     </target>
326 tim 1.11
327 tim 1.1
328     <target name="run-tests" depends="compile-tests">
329     <mkdir dir="${build.reports.dir}"/>
330     <junit printsummary="true"
331     showoutput="true"
332     errorProperty="junit.failed"
333     failureProperty="junit.failed"
334 tim 1.12 dir="${build.reports.dir}"
335     fork="true">
337 tim 1.21 <!--
338     ! This nastiness is so JUnit can test classes we are inserting
339     ! into the java.* packages.
340     -->
341     <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${product.jar};${build.testcases.dir};${junit.jar}"/>
342 tim 1.1
343     <formatter type="xml"/>
345     <batchtest todir="${build.reports.dir}">
346     <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}">
347 tim 1.23 <include name="**/${testcase}"/>
348 tim 1.1 </fileset>
349     </batchtest>
351     </junit>
352     </target>
355     <target name="report-tests" depends="run-tests">
356     <!-- Sets to frames if Xalan is present,
357     otherwise sets it to noframes. -->
358     <available property=""
359     value="frames"
360     classname="org.apache.xalan.lib.Redirect"
361     />
362     <property name="" value="noframes"/>
364     <junitreport todir="${build.reports.dir}">
365     <fileset dir="${build.reports.dir}">
366     <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
367     </fileset>
368     <report styledir="${stylesheet.dir}"
369     format="${}"
370     todir="${build.reports.dir}"
371     />
372     </junitreport>
374     <fail message="Test Cases Failed" if="junit.failed"/>
375 tim 1.18 </target>
378     <target name="check-junit">
379     <!-- FIXME: this test isn't specific enough -->
380     <available property="junit.available"
381     classname="junit.framework.TestCase"/>
382 tim 1.21 <fail message="Need JUnit 3.8 to run tests" unless="junit.available"/>
383 tim 1.1 </target>
386     </project>