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Revision: 1.42
Committed: Tue Jun 28 14:52:19 2016 UTC (8 years, 3 months ago) by jsr166
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# Content
1 /*
2 * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
3 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
4 *
5 */
7 package jsr166e;
9 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
10 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
11 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
12 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
14 /**
15 * A capability-based lock with three modes for controlling read/write
16 * access. The state of a StampedLock consists of a version and mode.
17 * Lock acquisition methods return a stamp that represents and
18 * controls access with respect to a lock state; "try" versions of
19 * these methods may instead return the special value zero to
20 * represent failure to acquire access. Lock release and conversion
21 * methods require stamps as arguments, and fail if they do not match
22 * the state of the lock. The three modes are:
23 *
24 * <ul>
25 *
26 * <li><b>Writing.</b> Method {@link #writeLock} possibly blocks
27 * waiting for exclusive access, returning a stamp that can be used
28 * in method {@link #unlockWrite} to release the lock. Untimed and
29 * timed versions of {@code tryWriteLock} are also provided. When
30 * the lock is held in write mode, no read locks may be obtained,
31 * and all optimistic read validations will fail.
32 *
33 * <li><b>Reading.</b> Method {@link #readLock} possibly blocks
34 * waiting for non-exclusive access, returning a stamp that can be
35 * used in method {@link #unlockRead} to release the lock. Untimed
36 * and timed versions of {@code tryReadLock} are also provided.
37 *
38 * <li><b>Optimistic Reading.</b> Method {@link #tryOptimisticRead}
39 * returns a non-zero stamp only if the lock is not currently held
40 * in write mode. Method {@link #validate} returns true if the lock
41 * has not been acquired in write mode since obtaining a given
42 * stamp. This mode can be thought of as an extremely weak version
43 * of a read-lock, that can be broken by a writer at any time. The
44 * use of optimistic mode for short read-only code segments often
45 * reduces contention and improves throughput. However, its use is
46 * inherently fragile. Optimistic read sections should only read
47 * fields and hold them in local variables for later use after
48 * validation. Fields read while in optimistic mode may be wildly
49 * inconsistent, so usage applies only when you are familiar enough
50 * with data representations to check consistency and/or repeatedly
51 * invoke method {@code validate()}. For example, such steps are
52 * typically required when first reading an object or array
53 * reference, and then accessing one of its fields, elements or
54 * methods.
55 *
56 * </ul>
57 *
58 * <p>This class also supports methods that conditionally provide
59 * conversions across the three modes. For example, method {@link
60 * #tryConvertToWriteLock} attempts to "upgrade" a mode, returning
61 * a valid write stamp if (1) already in writing mode (2) in reading
62 * mode and there are no other readers or (3) in optimistic mode and
63 * the lock is available. The forms of these methods are designed to
64 * help reduce some of the code bloat that otherwise occurs in
65 * retry-based designs.
66 *
67 * <p>StampedLocks are designed for use as internal utilities in the
68 * development of thread-safe components. Their use relies on
69 * knowledge of the internal properties of the data, objects, and
70 * methods they are protecting. They are not reentrant, so locked
71 * bodies should not call other unknown methods that may try to
72 * re-acquire locks (although you may pass a stamp to other methods
73 * that can use or convert it). The use of read lock modes relies on
74 * the associated code sections being side-effect-free. Unvalidated
75 * optimistic read sections cannot call methods that are not known to
76 * tolerate potential inconsistencies. Stamps use finite
77 * representations, and are not cryptographically secure (i.e., a
78 * valid stamp may be guessable). Stamp values may recycle after (no
79 * sooner than) one year of continuous operation. A stamp held without
80 * use or validation for longer than this period may fail to validate
81 * correctly. StampedLocks are serializable, but always deserialize
82 * into initial unlocked state, so they are not useful for remote
83 * locking.
84 *
85 * <p>The scheduling policy of StampedLock does not consistently
86 * prefer readers over writers or vice versa. All "try" methods are
87 * best-effort and do not necessarily conform to any scheduling or
88 * fairness policy. A zero return from any "try" method for acquiring
89 * or converting locks does not carry any information about the state
90 * of the lock; a subsequent invocation may succeed.
91 *
92 * <p>Because it supports coordinated usage across multiple lock
93 * modes, this class does not directly implement the {@link Lock} or
94 * {@link ReadWriteLock} interfaces. However, a StampedLock may be
95 * viewed {@link #asReadLock()}, {@link #asWriteLock()}, or {@link
96 * #asReadWriteLock()} in applications requiring only the associated
97 * set of functionality.
98 *
99 * <p><b>Sample Usage.</b> The following illustrates some usage idioms
100 * in a class that maintains simple two-dimensional points. The sample
101 * code illustrates some try/catch conventions even though they are
102 * not strictly needed here because no exceptions can occur in their
103 * bodies.<br>
104 *
105 * <pre>{@code
106 * class Point {
107 * private double x, y;
108 * private final StampedLock sl = new StampedLock();
109 *
110 * void move(double deltaX, double deltaY) { // an exclusively locked method
111 * long stamp = sl.writeLock();
112 * try {
113 * x += deltaX;
114 * y += deltaY;
115 * } finally {
116 * sl.unlockWrite(stamp);
117 * }
118 * }
119 *
120 * double distanceFromOrigin() { // A read-only method
121 * long stamp = sl.tryOptimisticRead();
122 * double currentX = x, currentY = y;
123 * if (!sl.validate(stamp)) {
124 * stamp = sl.readLock();
125 * try {
126 * currentX = x;
127 * currentY = y;
128 * } finally {
129 * sl.unlockRead(stamp);
130 * }
131 * }
132 * return Math.sqrt(currentX * currentX + currentY * currentY);
133 * }
134 *
135 * void moveIfAtOrigin(double newX, double newY) { // upgrade
136 * // Could instead start with optimistic, not read mode
137 * long stamp = sl.readLock();
138 * try {
139 * while (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) {
140 * long ws = sl.tryConvertToWriteLock(stamp);
141 * if (ws != 0L) {
142 * stamp = ws;
143 * x = newX;
144 * y = newY;
145 * break;
146 * }
147 * else {
148 * sl.unlockRead(stamp);
149 * stamp = sl.writeLock();
150 * }
151 * }
152 * } finally {
153 * sl.unlock(stamp);
154 * }
155 * }
156 * }}</pre>
157 *
158 * @since 1.8
159 * @author Doug Lea
160 */
161 public class StampedLock implements {
162 /*
163 * Algorithmic notes:
164 *
165 * The design employs elements of Sequence locks
166 * (as used in linux kernels; see Lameter's
167 *
168 * and elsewhere; see
169 * Boehm's
170 * and Ordered RW locks (see Shirako et al
171 *
172 *
173 * Conceptually, the primary state of the lock includes a sequence
174 * number that is odd when write-locked and even otherwise.
175 * However, this is offset by a reader count that is non-zero when
176 * read-locked. The read count is ignored when validating
177 * "optimistic" seqlock-reader-style stamps. Because we must use
178 * a small finite number of bits (currently 7) for readers, a
179 * supplementary reader overflow word is used when the number of
180 * readers exceeds the count field. We do this by treating the max
181 * reader count value (RBITS) as a spinlock protecting overflow
182 * updates.
183 *
184 * Waiters use a modified form of CLH lock used in
185 * AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (see its internal documentation for
186 * a fuller account), where each node is tagged (field mode) as
187 * either a reader or writer. Sets of waiting readers are grouped
188 * (linked) under a common node (field cowait) so act as a single
189 * node with respect to most CLH mechanics. By virtue of the
190 * queue structure, wait nodes need not actually carry sequence
191 * numbers; we know each is greater than its predecessor. This
192 * simplifies the scheduling policy to a mainly-FIFO scheme that
193 * incorporates elements of Phase-Fair locks (see Brandenburg &
194 * Anderson, especially In
195 * particular, we use the phase-fair anti-barging rule: If an
196 * incoming reader arrives while read lock is held but there is a
197 * queued writer, this incoming reader is queued. (This rule is
198 * responsible for some of the complexity of method acquireRead,
199 * but without it, the lock becomes highly unfair.) Method release
200 * does not (and sometimes cannot) itself wake up cowaiters. This
201 * is done by the primary thread, but helped by any other threads
202 * with nothing better to do in methods acquireRead and
203 * acquireWrite.
204 *
205 * These rules apply to threads actually queued. All tryLock forms
206 * opportunistically try to acquire locks regardless of preference
207 * rules, and so may "barge" their way in. Randomized spinning is
208 * used in the acquire methods to reduce (increasingly expensive)
209 * context switching while also avoiding sustained memory
210 * thrashing among many threads. We limit spins to the head of
211 * queue. A thread spin-waits up to SPINS times (where each
212 * iteration decreases spin count with 50% probability) before
213 * blocking. If, upon wakening it fails to obtain lock, and is
214 * still (or becomes) the first waiting thread (which indicates
215 * that some other thread barged and obtained lock), it escalates
216 * spins (up to MAX_HEAD_SPINS) to reduce the likelihood of
217 * continually losing to barging threads.
218 *
219 * Nearly all of these mechanics are carried out in methods
220 * acquireWrite and acquireRead, that, as typical of such code,
221 * sprawl out because actions and retries rely on consistent sets
222 * of locally cached reads.
223 *
224 * As noted in Boehm's paper (above), sequence validation (mainly
225 * method validate()) requires stricter ordering rules than apply
226 * to normal volatile reads (of "state"). In the absence of (but
227 * continual hope for) explicit JVM support of intrinsics with
228 * double-sided reordering prohibition, or corresponding fence
229 * intrinsics, we for now uncomfortably rely on the fact that the
230 * Unsafe.getXVolatile intrinsic must have this property
231 * (syntactic volatile reads do not) for internal purposes anyway,
232 * even though it is not documented.
233 *
234 * The memory layout keeps lock state and queue pointers together
235 * (normally on the same cache line). This usually works well for
236 * read-mostly loads. In most other cases, the natural tendency of
237 * adaptive-spin CLH locks to reduce memory contention lessens
238 * motivation to further spread out contended locations, but might
239 * be subject to future improvements.
240 */
242 private static final long serialVersionUID = -6001602636862214147L;
244 /** Number of processors, for spin control */
245 private static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
247 /** Maximum number of retries before enqueuing on acquisition */
248 private static final int SPINS = (NCPU > 1) ? 1 << 6 : 0;
250 /** Maximum number of retries before blocking at head on acquisition */
251 private static final int HEAD_SPINS = (NCPU > 1) ? 1 << 10 : 0;
253 /** Maximum number of retries before re-blocking */
254 private static final int MAX_HEAD_SPINS = (NCPU > 1) ? 1 << 16 : 0;
256 /** The period for yielding when waiting for overflow spinlock */
257 private static final int OVERFLOW_YIELD_RATE = 7; // must be power 2 - 1
259 /** The number of bits to use for reader count before overflowing */
260 private static final int LG_READERS = 7;
262 // Values for lock state and stamp operations
263 private static final long RUNIT = 1L;
264 private static final long WBIT = 1L << LG_READERS;
265 private static final long RBITS = WBIT - 1L;
266 private static final long RFULL = RBITS - 1L;
267 private static final long ABITS = RBITS | WBIT;
268 private static final long SBITS = ~RBITS; // note overlap with ABITS
270 // Initial value for lock state; avoid failure value zero
271 private static final long ORIGIN = WBIT << 1;
273 // Special value from cancelled acquire methods so caller can throw IE
274 private static final long INTERRUPTED = 1L;
276 // Values for node status; order matters
277 private static final int WAITING = -1;
278 private static final int CANCELLED = 1;
280 // Modes for nodes (int not boolean to allow arithmetic)
281 private static final int RMODE = 0;
282 private static final int WMODE = 1;
284 /** Wait nodes */
285 static final class WNode {
286 volatile WNode prev;
287 volatile WNode next;
288 volatile WNode cowait; // list of linked readers
289 volatile Thread thread; // non-null while possibly parked
290 volatile int status; // 0, WAITING, or CANCELLED
291 final int mode; // RMODE or WMODE
292 WNode(int m, WNode p) { mode = m; prev = p; }
293 }
295 /** Head of CLH queue */
296 private transient volatile WNode whead;
297 /** Tail (last) of CLH queue */
298 private transient volatile WNode wtail;
300 // views
301 transient ReadLockView readLockView;
302 transient WriteLockView writeLockView;
303 transient ReadWriteLockView readWriteLockView;
305 /** Lock sequence/state */
306 private transient volatile long state;
307 /** extra reader count when state read count saturated */
308 private transient int readerOverflow;
310 /**
311 * Creates a new lock, initially in unlocked state.
312 */
313 public StampedLock() {
314 state = ORIGIN;
315 }
317 /**
318 * Exclusively acquires the lock, blocking if necessary
319 * until available.
320 *
321 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode
322 */
323 public long writeLock() {
324 long s, next; // bypass acquireWrite in fully unlocked case only
325 return ((((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L &&
326 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT)) ?
327 next : acquireWrite(false, 0L));
328 }
330 /**
331 * Exclusively acquires the lock if it is immediately available.
332 *
333 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode,
334 * or zero if the lock is not available
335 */
336 public long tryWriteLock() {
337 long s, next;
338 return ((((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L &&
339 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT)) ?
340 next : 0L);
341 }
343 /**
344 * Exclusively acquires the lock if it is available within the
345 * given time and the current thread has not been interrupted.
346 * Behavior under timeout and interruption matches that specified
347 * for method {@link Lock#tryLock(long,TimeUnit)}.
348 *
349 * @param time the maximum time to wait for the lock
350 * @param unit the time unit of the {@code time} argument
351 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode,
352 * or zero if the lock is not available
353 * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
354 * before acquiring the lock
355 */
356 public long tryWriteLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
357 throws InterruptedException {
358 long nanos = unit.toNanos(time);
359 if (!Thread.interrupted()) {
360 long next, deadline;
361 if ((next = tryWriteLock()) != 0L)
362 return next;
363 if (nanos <= 0L)
364 return 0L;
365 if ((deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanos) == 0L)
366 deadline = 1L;
367 if ((next = acquireWrite(true, deadline)) != INTERRUPTED)
368 return next;
369 }
370 throw new InterruptedException();
371 }
373 /**
374 * Exclusively acquires the lock, blocking if necessary
375 * until available or the current thread is interrupted.
376 * Behavior under interruption matches that specified
377 * for method {@link Lock#lockInterruptibly()}.
378 *
379 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode
380 * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
381 * before acquiring the lock
382 */
383 public long writeLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
384 long next;
385 if (!Thread.interrupted() &&
386 (next = acquireWrite(true, 0L)) != INTERRUPTED)
387 return next;
388 throw new InterruptedException();
389 }
391 /**
392 * Non-exclusively acquires the lock, blocking if necessary
393 * until available.
394 *
395 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode
396 */
397 public long readLock() {
398 long s = state, next; // bypass acquireRead on common uncontended case
399 return ((whead == wtail && (s & ABITS) < RFULL &&
400 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT)) ?
401 next : acquireRead(false, 0L));
402 }
404 /**
405 * Non-exclusively acquires the lock if it is immediately available.
406 *
407 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode,
408 * or zero if the lock is not available
409 */
410 public long tryReadLock() {
411 for (;;) {
412 long s, m, next;
413 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == WBIT)
414 return 0L;
415 else if (m < RFULL) {
416 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
417 return next;
418 }
419 else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
420 return next;
421 }
422 }
424 /**
425 * Non-exclusively acquires the lock if it is available within the
426 * given time and the current thread has not been interrupted.
427 * Behavior under timeout and interruption matches that specified
428 * for method {@link Lock#tryLock(long,TimeUnit)}.
429 *
430 * @param time the maximum time to wait for the lock
431 * @param unit the time unit of the {@code time} argument
432 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode,
433 * or zero if the lock is not available
434 * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
435 * before acquiring the lock
436 */
437 public long tryReadLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
438 throws InterruptedException {
439 long s, m, next, deadline;
440 long nanos = unit.toNanos(time);
441 if (!Thread.interrupted()) {
442 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) != WBIT) {
443 if (m < RFULL) {
444 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
445 return next;
446 }
447 else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
448 return next;
449 }
450 if (nanos <= 0L)
451 return 0L;
452 if ((deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanos) == 0L)
453 deadline = 1L;
454 if ((next = acquireRead(true, deadline)) != INTERRUPTED)
455 return next;
456 }
457 throw new InterruptedException();
458 }
460 /**
461 * Non-exclusively acquires the lock, blocking if necessary
462 * until available or the current thread is interrupted.
463 * Behavior under interruption matches that specified
464 * for method {@link Lock#lockInterruptibly()}.
465 *
466 * @return a stamp that can be used to unlock or convert mode
467 * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
468 * before acquiring the lock
469 */
470 public long readLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
471 long next;
472 if (!Thread.interrupted() &&
473 (next = acquireRead(true, 0L)) != INTERRUPTED)
474 return next;
475 throw new InterruptedException();
476 }
478 /**
479 * Returns a stamp that can later be validated, or zero
480 * if exclusively locked.
481 *
482 * @return a stamp, or zero if exclusively locked
483 */
484 public long tryOptimisticRead() {
485 long s;
486 return (((s = state) & WBIT) == 0L) ? (s & SBITS) : 0L;
487 }
489 /**
490 * Returns true if the lock has not been exclusively acquired
491 * since issuance of the given stamp. Always returns false if the
492 * stamp is zero. Always returns true if the stamp represents a
493 * currently held lock. Invoking this method with a value not
494 * obtained from {@link #tryOptimisticRead} or a locking method
495 * for this lock has no defined effect or result.
496 *
497 * @param stamp a stamp
498 * @return {@code true} if the lock has not been exclusively acquired
499 * since issuance of the given stamp; else false
500 */
501 public boolean validate(long stamp) {
502 // See above about current use of getLongVolatile here
503 return (stamp & SBITS) == (U.getLongVolatile(this, STATE) & SBITS);
504 }
506 /**
507 * If the lock state matches the given stamp, releases the
508 * exclusive lock.
509 *
510 * @param stamp a stamp returned by a write-lock operation
511 * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if the stamp does
512 * not match the current state of this lock
513 */
514 public void unlockWrite(long stamp) {
515 WNode h;
516 if (state != stamp || (stamp & WBIT) == 0L)
517 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
518 state = (stamp += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : stamp;
519 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
520 release(h);
521 }
523 /**
524 * If the lock state matches the given stamp, releases the
525 * non-exclusive lock.
526 *
527 * @param stamp a stamp returned by a read-lock operation
528 * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if the stamp does
529 * not match the current state of this lock
530 */
531 public void unlockRead(long stamp) {
532 long s, m; WNode h;
533 for (;;) {
534 if (((s = state) & SBITS) != (stamp & SBITS) ||
535 (stamp & ABITS) == 0L || (m = s & ABITS) == 0L || m == WBIT)
536 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
537 if (m < RFULL) {
538 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
539 if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
540 release(h);
541 break;
542 }
543 }
544 else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)
545 break;
546 }
547 }
549 /**
550 * If the lock state matches the given stamp, releases the
551 * corresponding mode of the lock.
552 *
553 * @param stamp a stamp returned by a lock operation
554 * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if the stamp does
555 * not match the current state of this lock
556 */
557 public void unlock(long stamp) {
558 long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s; WNode h;
559 while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
560 if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L)
561 break;
562 else if (m == WBIT) {
563 if (a != m)
564 break;
565 state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
566 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
567 release(h);
568 return;
569 }
570 else if (a == 0L || a >= WBIT)
571 break;
572 else if (m < RFULL) {
573 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
574 if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
575 release(h);
576 return;
577 }
578 }
579 else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)
580 return;
581 }
582 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
583 }
585 /**
586 * If the lock state matches the given stamp, performs one of
587 * the following actions. If the stamp represents holding a write
588 * lock, returns it. Or, if a read lock, if the write lock is
589 * available, releases the read lock and returns a write stamp.
590 * Or, if an optimistic read, returns a write stamp only if
591 * immediately available. This method returns zero in all other
592 * cases.
593 *
594 * @param stamp a stamp
595 * @return a valid write stamp, or zero on failure
596 */
597 public long tryConvertToWriteLock(long stamp) {
598 long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next;
599 while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
600 if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) {
601 if (a != 0L)
602 break;
603 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT))
604 return next;
605 }
606 else if (m == WBIT) {
607 if (a != m)
608 break;
609 return stamp;
610 }
611 else if (m == RUNIT && a != 0L) {
612 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,
613 next = s - RUNIT + WBIT))
614 return next;
615 }
616 else
617 break;
618 }
619 return 0L;
620 }
622 /**
623 * If the lock state matches the given stamp, performs one of
624 * the following actions. If the stamp represents holding a write
625 * lock, releases it and obtains a read lock. Or, if a read lock,
626 * returns it. Or, if an optimistic read, acquires a read lock and
627 * returns a read stamp only if immediately available. This method
628 * returns zero in all other cases.
629 *
630 * @param stamp a stamp
631 * @return a valid read stamp, or zero on failure
632 */
633 public long tryConvertToReadLock(long stamp) {
634 long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next; WNode h;
635 while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
636 if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) {
637 if (a != 0L)
638 break;
639 else if (m < RFULL) {
640 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
641 return next;
642 }
643 else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
644 return next;
645 }
646 else if (m == WBIT) {
647 if (a != m)
648 break;
649 state = next = s + (WBIT + RUNIT);
650 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
651 release(h);
652 return next;
653 }
654 else if (a != 0L && a < WBIT)
655 return stamp;
656 else
657 break;
658 }
659 return 0L;
660 }
662 /**
663 * If the lock state matches the given stamp then, if the stamp
664 * represents holding a lock, releases it and returns an
665 * observation stamp. Or, if an optimistic read, returns it if
666 * validated. This method returns zero in all other cases, and so
667 * may be useful as a form of "tryUnlock".
668 *
669 * @param stamp a stamp
670 * @return a valid optimistic read stamp, or zero on failure
671 */
672 public long tryConvertToOptimisticRead(long stamp) {
673 long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next; WNode h;
674 for (;;) {
675 s = U.getLongVolatile(this, STATE); // see above
676 if (((s = state) & SBITS) != (stamp & SBITS))
677 break;
678 if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) {
679 if (a != 0L)
680 break;
681 return s;
682 }
683 else if (m == WBIT) {
684 if (a != m)
685 break;
686 state = next = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
687 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
688 release(h);
689 return next;
690 }
691 else if (a == 0L || a >= WBIT)
692 break;
693 else if (m < RFULL) {
694 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s - RUNIT)) {
695 if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
696 release(h);
697 return next & SBITS;
698 }
699 }
700 else if ((next = tryDecReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
701 return next & SBITS;
702 }
703 return 0L;
704 }
706 /**
707 * Releases the write lock if it is held, without requiring a
708 * stamp value. This method may be useful for recovery after
709 * errors.
710 *
711 * @return {@code true} if the lock was held, else false
712 */
713 public boolean tryUnlockWrite() {
714 long s; WNode h;
715 if (((s = state) & WBIT) != 0L) {
716 state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
717 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
718 release(h);
719 return true;
720 }
721 return false;
722 }
724 /**
725 * Releases one hold of the read lock if it is held, without
726 * requiring a stamp value. This method may be useful for recovery
727 * after errors.
728 *
729 * @return {@code true} if the read lock was held, else false
730 */
731 public boolean tryUnlockRead() {
732 long s, m; WNode h;
733 while ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) != 0L && m < WBIT) {
734 if (m < RFULL) {
735 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
736 if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
737 release(h);
738 return true;
739 }
740 }
741 else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)
742 return true;
743 }
744 return false;
745 }
747 // status monitoring methods
749 /**
750 * Returns combined state-held and overflow read count for given
751 * state s.
752 */
753 private int getReadLockCount(long s) {
754 long readers;
755 if ((readers = s & RBITS) >= RFULL)
756 readers = RFULL + readerOverflow;
757 return (int) readers;
758 }
760 /**
761 * Returns {@code true} if the lock is currently held exclusively.
762 *
763 * @return {@code true} if the lock is currently held exclusively
764 */
765 public boolean isWriteLocked() {
766 return (state & WBIT) != 0L;
767 }
769 /**
770 * Returns {@code true} if the lock is currently held non-exclusively.
771 *
772 * @return {@code true} if the lock is currently held non-exclusively
773 */
774 public boolean isReadLocked() {
775 return (state & RBITS) != 0L;
776 }
778 /**
779 * Queries the number of read locks held for this lock. This
780 * method is designed for use in monitoring system state, not for
781 * synchronization control.
782 * @return the number of read locks held
783 */
784 public int getReadLockCount() {
785 return getReadLockCount(state);
786 }
788 /**
789 * Returns a string identifying this lock, as well as its lock
790 * state. The state, in brackets, includes the String {@code
791 * "Unlocked"} or the String {@code "Write-locked"} or the String
792 * {@code "Read-locks:"} followed by the current number of
793 * read-locks held.
794 *
795 * @return a string identifying this lock, as well as its lock state
796 */
797 public String toString() {
798 long s = state;
799 return super.toString() +
800 ((s & ABITS) == 0L ? "[Unlocked]" :
801 (s & WBIT) != 0L ? "[Write-locked]" :
802 "[Read-locks:" + getReadLockCount(s) + "]");
803 }
805 // views
807 /**
808 * Returns a plain {@link Lock} view of this StampedLock in which
809 * the {@link Lock#lock} method is mapped to {@link #readLock},
810 * and similarly for other methods. The returned Lock does not
811 * support a {@link Condition}; method {@link
812 * Lock#newCondition()} throws {@code
813 * UnsupportedOperationException}.
814 *
815 * @return the lock
816 */
817 public Lock asReadLock() {
818 ReadLockView v;
819 return ((v = readLockView) != null ? v :
820 (readLockView = new ReadLockView()));
821 }
823 /**
824 * Returns a plain {@link Lock} view of this StampedLock in which
825 * the {@link Lock#lock} method is mapped to {@link #writeLock},
826 * and similarly for other methods. The returned Lock does not
827 * support a {@link Condition}; method {@link
828 * Lock#newCondition()} throws {@code
829 * UnsupportedOperationException}.
830 *
831 * @return the lock
832 */
833 public Lock asWriteLock() {
834 WriteLockView v;
835 return ((v = writeLockView) != null ? v :
836 (writeLockView = new WriteLockView()));
837 }
839 /**
840 * Returns a {@link ReadWriteLock} view of this StampedLock in
841 * which the {@link ReadWriteLock#readLock()} method is mapped to
842 * {@link #asReadLock()}, and {@link ReadWriteLock#writeLock()} to
843 * {@link #asWriteLock()}.
844 *
845 * @return the lock
846 */
847 public ReadWriteLock asReadWriteLock() {
848 ReadWriteLockView v;
849 return ((v = readWriteLockView) != null ? v :
850 (readWriteLockView = new ReadWriteLockView()));
851 }
853 // view classes
855 final class ReadLockView implements Lock {
856 public void lock() { readLock(); }
857 public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
858 readLockInterruptibly();
859 }
860 public boolean tryLock() { return tryReadLock() != 0L; }
861 public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
862 throws InterruptedException {
863 return tryReadLock(time, unit) != 0L;
864 }
865 public void unlock() { unstampedUnlockRead(); }
866 public Condition newCondition() {
867 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
868 }
869 }
871 final class WriteLockView implements Lock {
872 public void lock() { writeLock(); }
873 public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
874 writeLockInterruptibly();
875 }
876 public boolean tryLock() { return tryWriteLock() != 0L; }
877 public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
878 throws InterruptedException {
879 return tryWriteLock(time, unit) != 0L;
880 }
881 public void unlock() { unstampedUnlockWrite(); }
882 public Condition newCondition() {
883 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
884 }
885 }
887 final class ReadWriteLockView implements ReadWriteLock {
888 public Lock readLock() { return asReadLock(); }
889 public Lock writeLock() { return asWriteLock(); }
890 }
892 // Unlock methods without stamp argument checks for view classes.
893 // Needed because view-class lock methods throw away stamps.
895 final void unstampedUnlockWrite() {
896 WNode h; long s;
897 if (((s = state) & WBIT) == 0L)
898 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
899 state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
900 if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
901 release(h);
902 }
904 final void unstampedUnlockRead() {
905 for (;;) {
906 long s, m; WNode h;
907 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == 0L || m >= WBIT)
908 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
909 else if (m < RFULL) {
910 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
911 if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
912 release(h);
913 break;
914 }
915 }
916 else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)
917 break;
918 }
919 }
921 private void readObject( s)
922 throws, ClassNotFoundException {
923 s.defaultReadObject();
924 state = ORIGIN; // reset to unlocked state
925 }
927 // internals
929 /**
930 * Tries to increment readerOverflow by first setting state
931 * access bits value to RBITS, indicating hold of spinlock,
932 * then updating, then releasing.
933 *
934 * @param s a reader overflow stamp: (s & ABITS) >= RFULL
935 * @return new stamp on success, else zero
936 */
937 private long tryIncReaderOverflow(long s) {
938 // assert (s & ABITS) >= RFULL;
939 if ((s & ABITS) == RFULL) {
940 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s | RBITS)) {
941 ++readerOverflow;
942 state = s;
943 return s;
944 }
945 }
946 else if ((ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() &
948 Thread.yield();
949 return 0L;
950 }
952 /**
953 * Tries to decrement readerOverflow.
954 *
955 * @param s a reader overflow stamp: (s & ABITS) >= RFULL
956 * @return new stamp on success, else zero
957 */
958 private long tryDecReaderOverflow(long s) {
959 // assert (s & ABITS) >= RFULL;
960 if ((s & ABITS) == RFULL) {
961 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s | RBITS)) {
962 int r; long next;
963 if ((r = readerOverflow) > 0) {
964 readerOverflow = r - 1;
965 next = s;
966 }
967 else
968 next = s - RUNIT;
969 state = next;
970 return next;
971 }
972 }
973 else if ((ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() &
975 Thread.yield();
976 return 0L;
977 }
979 /**
980 * Wakes up the successor of h (normally whead). This is normally
981 * just, but may require traversal from wtail if next
982 * pointers are lagging. This may fail to wake up an acquiring
983 * thread when one or more have been cancelled, but the cancel
984 * methods themselves provide extra safeguards to ensure liveness.
985 */
986 private void release(WNode h) {
987 if (h != null) {
988 WNode q; Thread w;
989 U.compareAndSwapInt(h, WSTATUS, WAITING, 0);
990 if ((q = == null || q.status == CANCELLED) {
991 for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != h; t = t.prev)
992 if (t.status <= 0)
993 q = t;
994 }
995 if (q != null && (w = q.thread) != null)
996 U.unpark(w);
997 }
998 }
1000 /**
1001 * See above for explanation.
1002 *
1003 * @param interruptible true if should check interrupts and if so
1004 * return INTERRUPTED
1005 * @param deadline if nonzero, the System.nanoTime value to timeout
1006 * at (and return zero)
1007 * @return next state, or INTERRUPTED
1008 */
1009 private long acquireWrite(boolean interruptible, long deadline) {
1010 WNode node = null, p;
1011 for (int spins = -1;;) { // spin while enqueuing
1012 long m, s, ns;
1013 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == 0L) {
1014 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + WBIT))
1015 return ns;
1016 }
1017 else if (spins < 0)
1018 spins = (m == WBIT && wtail == whead) ? SPINS : 0;
1019 else if (spins > 0) {
1020 if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() >= 0)
1021 --spins;
1022 }
1023 else if ((p = wtail) == null) { // initialize queue
1024 WNode hd = new WNode(WMODE, null);
1025 if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WHEAD, null, hd))
1026 wtail = hd;
1027 }
1028 else if (node == null)
1029 node = new WNode(WMODE, p);
1030 else if (node.prev != p)
1031 node.prev = p;
1032 else if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, p, node)) {
1033 = node;
1034 break;
1035 }
1036 }
1038 for (int spins = -1;;) {
1039 WNode h, np, pp; int ps;
1040 if ((h = whead) == p) {
1041 if (spins < 0)
1042 spins = HEAD_SPINS;
1043 else if (spins < MAX_HEAD_SPINS)
1044 spins <<= 1;
1045 for (int k = spins;;) { // spin at head
1046 long s, ns;
1047 if (((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L) {
1048 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,
1049 ns = s + WBIT)) {
1050 whead = node;
1051 node.prev = null;
1052 return ns;
1053 }
1054 }
1055 else if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() >= 0 &&
1056 --k <= 0)
1057 break;
1058 }
1059 }
1060 else if (h != null) { // help release stale waiters
1061 WNode c; Thread w;
1062 while ((c = h.cowait) != null) {
1063 if (U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) &&
1064 (w = c.thread) != null)
1065 U.unpark(w);
1066 }
1067 }
1068 if (whead == h) {
1069 if ((np = node.prev) != p) {
1070 if (np != null)
1071 (p = np).next = node; // stale
1072 }
1073 else if ((ps = p.status) == 0)
1074 U.compareAndSwapInt(p, WSTATUS, 0, WAITING);
1075 else if (ps == CANCELLED) {
1076 if ((pp = p.prev) != null) {
1077 node.prev = pp;
1078 = node;
1079 }
1080 }
1081 else {
1082 long time; // 0 argument to park means no timeout
1083 if (deadline == 0L)
1084 time = 0L;
1085 else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
1086 return cancelWaiter(node, node, false);
1087 Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
1088 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
1089 node.thread = wt;
1090 if (p.status < 0 && (p != h || (state & ABITS) != 0L) &&
1091 whead == h && node.prev == p)
1092 U.park(false, time); // emulate LockSupport.park
1093 node.thread = null;
1094 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
1095 if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted())
1096 return cancelWaiter(node, node, true);
1097 }
1098 }
1099 }
1100 }
1102 /**
1103 * See above for explanation.
1104 *
1105 * @param interruptible true if should check interrupts and if so
1106 * return INTERRUPTED
1107 * @param deadline if nonzero, the System.nanoTime value to timeout
1108 * at (and return zero)
1109 * @return next state, or INTERRUPTED
1110 */
1111 private long acquireRead(boolean interruptible, long deadline) {
1112 WNode node = null, p;
1113 for (int spins = -1;;) {
1114 WNode h;
1115 if ((h = whead) == (p = wtail)) {
1116 for (long m, s, ns;;) {
1117 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ?
1118 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + RUNIT) :
1119 (m < WBIT && (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L))
1120 return ns;
1121 else if (m >= WBIT) {
1122 if (spins > 0) {
1123 if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() >= 0)
1124 --spins;
1125 }
1126 else {
1127 if (spins == 0) {
1128 WNode nh = whead, np = wtail;
1129 if ((nh == h && np == p) || (h = nh) != (p = np))
1130 break;
1131 }
1132 spins = SPINS;
1133 }
1134 }
1135 }
1136 }
1137 if (p == null) { // initialize queue
1138 WNode hd = new WNode(WMODE, null);
1139 if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WHEAD, null, hd))
1140 wtail = hd;
1141 }
1142 else if (node == null)
1143 node = new WNode(RMODE, p);
1144 else if (h == p || p.mode != RMODE) {
1145 if (node.prev != p)
1146 node.prev = p;
1147 else if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, p, node)) {
1148 = node;
1149 break;
1150 }
1151 }
1152 else if (!U.compareAndSwapObject(p, WCOWAIT,
1153 node.cowait = p.cowait, node))
1154 node.cowait = null;
1155 else {
1156 for (;;) {
1157 WNode pp, c; Thread w;
1158 if ((h = whead) != null && (c = h.cowait) != null &&
1159 U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) &&
1160 (w = c.thread) != null) // help release
1161 U.unpark(w);
1162 if (h == (pp = p.prev) || h == p || pp == null) {
1163 long m, s, ns;
1164 do {
1165 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ?
1166 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,
1167 ns = s + RUNIT) :
1168 (m < WBIT &&
1169 (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L))
1170 return ns;
1171 } while (m < WBIT);
1172 }
1173 if (whead == h && p.prev == pp) {
1174 long time;
1175 if (pp == null || h == p || p.status > 0) {
1176 node = null; // throw away
1177 break;
1178 }
1179 if (deadline == 0L)
1180 time = 0L;
1181 else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
1182 return cancelWaiter(node, p, false);
1183 Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
1184 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
1185 node.thread = wt;
1186 if ((h != pp || (state & ABITS) == WBIT) &&
1187 whead == h && p.prev == pp)
1188 U.park(false, time);
1189 node.thread = null;
1190 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
1191 if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted())
1192 return cancelWaiter(node, p, true);
1193 }
1194 }
1195 }
1196 }
1198 for (int spins = -1;;) {
1199 WNode h, np, pp; int ps;
1200 if ((h = whead) == p) {
1201 if (spins < 0)
1202 spins = HEAD_SPINS;
1203 else if (spins < MAX_HEAD_SPINS)
1204 spins <<= 1;
1205 for (int k = spins;;) { // spin at head
1206 long m, s, ns;
1207 if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ?
1208 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + RUNIT) :
1209 (m < WBIT && (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)) {
1210 WNode c; Thread w;
1211 whead = node;
1212 node.prev = null;
1213 while ((c = node.cowait) != null) {
1214 if (U.compareAndSwapObject(node, WCOWAIT,
1215 c, c.cowait) &&
1216 (w = c.thread) != null)
1217 U.unpark(w);
1218 }
1219 return ns;
1220 }
1221 else if (m >= WBIT &&
1222 ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt() >= 0 && --k <= 0)
1223 break;
1224 }
1225 }
1226 else if (h != null) {
1227 WNode c; Thread w;
1228 while ((c = h.cowait) != null) {
1229 if (U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) &&
1230 (w = c.thread) != null)
1231 U.unpark(w);
1232 }
1233 }
1234 if (whead == h) {
1235 if ((np = node.prev) != p) {
1236 if (np != null)
1237 (p = np).next = node; // stale
1238 }
1239 else if ((ps = p.status) == 0)
1240 U.compareAndSwapInt(p, WSTATUS, 0, WAITING);
1241 else if (ps == CANCELLED) {
1242 if ((pp = p.prev) != null) {
1243 node.prev = pp;
1244 = node;
1245 }
1246 }
1247 else {
1248 long time;
1249 if (deadline == 0L)
1250 time = 0L;
1251 else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
1252 return cancelWaiter(node, node, false);
1253 Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
1254 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
1255 node.thread = wt;
1256 if (p.status < 0 &&
1257 (p != h || (state & ABITS) == WBIT) &&
1258 whead == h && node.prev == p)
1259 U.park(false, time);
1260 node.thread = null;
1261 U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
1262 if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted())
1263 return cancelWaiter(node, node, true);
1264 }
1265 }
1266 }
1267 }
1269 /**
1270 * If node non-null, forces cancel status and unsplices it from
1271 * queue if possible and wakes up any cowaiters (of the node, or
1272 * group, as applicable), and in any case helps release current
1273 * first waiter if lock is free. (Calling with null arguments
1274 * serves as a conditional form of release, which is not currently
1275 * needed but may be needed under possible future cancellation
1276 * policies). This is a variant of cancellation methods in
1277 * AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (see its detailed explanation in AQS
1278 * internal documentation).
1279 *
1280 * @param node if non-null, the waiter
1281 * @param group either node or the group node is cowaiting with
1282 * @param interrupted if already interrupted
1283 * @return INTERRUPTED if interrupted or Thread.interrupted, else zero
1284 */
1285 private long cancelWaiter(WNode node, WNode group, boolean interrupted) {
1286 if (node != null && group != null) {
1287 Thread w;
1288 node.status = CANCELLED;
1289 // unsplice cancelled nodes from group
1290 for (WNode p = group, q; (q = p.cowait) != null;) {
1291 if (q.status == CANCELLED) {
1292 U.compareAndSwapObject(p, WCOWAIT, q, q.cowait);
1293 p = group; // restart
1294 }
1295 else
1296 p = q;
1297 }
1298 if (group == node) {
1299 for (WNode r = group.cowait; r != null; r = r.cowait) {
1300 if ((w = r.thread) != null)
1301 U.unpark(w); // wake up uncancelled co-waiters
1302 }
1303 for (WNode pred = node.prev; pred != null; ) { // unsplice
1304 WNode succ, pp; // find valid successor
1305 while ((succ = == null ||
1306 succ.status == CANCELLED) {
1307 WNode q = null; // find successor the slow way
1308 for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != node; t = t.prev)
1309 if (t.status != CANCELLED)
1310 q = t; // don't link if succ cancelled
1311 if (succ == q || // ensure accurate successor
1312 U.compareAndSwapObject(node, WNEXT,
1313 succ, succ = q)) {
1314 if (succ == null && node == wtail)
1315 U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, node, pred);
1316 break;
1317 }
1318 }
1319 if ( == node) // unsplice pred link
1320 U.compareAndSwapObject(pred, WNEXT, node, succ);
1321 if (succ != null && (w = succ.thread) != null) {
1322 succ.thread = null;
1323 U.unpark(w); // wake up succ to observe new pred
1324 }
1325 if (pred.status != CANCELLED || (pp = pred.prev) == null)
1326 break;
1327 node.prev = pp; // repeat if new pred wrong/cancelled
1328 U.compareAndSwapObject(pp, WNEXT, pred, succ);
1329 pred = pp;
1330 }
1331 }
1332 }
1333 WNode h; // Possibly release first waiter
1334 while ((h = whead) != null) {
1335 long s; WNode q; // similar to release() but check eligibility
1336 if ((q = == null || q.status == CANCELLED) {
1337 for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != h; t = t.prev)
1338 if (t.status <= 0)
1339 q = t;
1340 }
1341 if (h == whead) {
1342 if (q != null && h.status == 0 &&
1343 ((s = state) & ABITS) != WBIT && // waiter is eligible
1344 (s == 0L || q.mode == RMODE))
1345 release(h);
1346 break;
1347 }
1348 }
1349 return (interrupted || Thread.interrupted()) ? INTERRUPTED : 0L;
1350 }
1352 // Unsafe mechanics
1353 private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U;
1354 private static final long STATE;
1355 private static final long WHEAD;
1356 private static final long WTAIL;
1357 private static final long WNEXT;
1358 private static final long WSTATUS;
1359 private static final long WCOWAIT;
1360 private static final long PARKBLOCKER;
1362 static {
1363 try {
1364 U = getUnsafe();
1365 Class<?> k = StampedLock.class;
1366 Class<?> wk = WNode.class;
1367 STATE = U.objectFieldOffset
1368 (k.getDeclaredField("state"));
1369 WHEAD = U.objectFieldOffset
1370 (k.getDeclaredField("whead"));
1371 WTAIL = U.objectFieldOffset
1372 (k.getDeclaredField("wtail"));
1373 WSTATUS = U.objectFieldOffset
1374 (wk.getDeclaredField("status"));
1375 WNEXT = U.objectFieldOffset
1376 (wk.getDeclaredField("next"));
1377 WCOWAIT = U.objectFieldOffset
1378 (wk.getDeclaredField("cowait"));
1379 Class<?> tk = Thread.class;
1380 PARKBLOCKER = U.objectFieldOffset
1381 (tk.getDeclaredField("parkBlocker"));
1383 } catch (Exception e) {
1384 throw new Error(e);
1385 }
1386 }
1388 /**
1389 * Returns a sun.misc.Unsafe. Suitable for use in a 3rd party package.
1390 * Replace with a simple call to Unsafe.getUnsafe when integrating
1391 * into a jdk.
1392 *
1393 * @return a sun.misc.Unsafe
1394 */
1395 private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() {
1396 try {
1397 return sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
1398 } catch (SecurityException tryReflectionInstead) {}
1399 try {
1400 return
1401 (new<sun.misc.Unsafe>() {
1402 public sun.misc.Unsafe run() throws Exception {
1403 Class<sun.misc.Unsafe> k = sun.misc.Unsafe.class;
1404 for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : k.getDeclaredFields()) {
1405 f.setAccessible(true);
1406 Object x = f.get(null);
1407 if (k.isInstance(x))
1408 return k.cast(x);
1409 }
1410 throw new NoSuchFieldError("the Unsafe");
1411 }});
1412 } catch ( e) {
1413 throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics",
1414 e.getCause());
1415 }
1416 }
1417 }