/* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ package jsr166y.forkjoin; import static jsr166y.forkjoin.Ops.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; /** * A prefix view of ParallelLongArray that causes operations to apply * to mappings of elements, not to the elements themselves. * Instances of this class may be constructed only via prefix * methods of ParallelLongArray or its other prefix classes. */ public abstract class ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping extends AbstractParallelAnyArray.LPap { ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping (ForkJoinExecutor ex, int origin, int fence, long[] array) { super(ex, origin, fence, array); } /** * Applies the given procedure * @param procedure the procedure */ public void apply(DoubleProcedure procedure) { ex.invoke(new PAS.FJDApply(this, origin, fence, null, procedure)); } /** * Returns reduction of mapped elements * @param reducer the reducer * @param base the result for an empty array * @return reduction */ public double reduce(DoubleReducer reducer, double base) { PAS.FJDReduce f = new PAS.FJDReduce (this, origin, fence, null, reducer, base); ex.invoke(f); return f.result; } /** * Returns the minimum element, or Double.MAX_VALUE if empty * @return minimum element, or Double.MAX_VALUE if empty */ public double min() { return reduce(CommonOps.naturalDoubleMinReducer(), Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Returns the minimum element, or Double.MAX_VALUE if empty * @param comparator the comparator * @return minimum element, or Double.MAX_VALUE if empty */ public double min(DoubleComparator comparator) { return reduce(CommonOps.doubleMinReducer(comparator), Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Returns the maximum element, or -Double.MAX_VALUE if empty * @return maximum element, or -Double.MAX_VALUE if empty */ public double max() { return reduce(CommonOps.naturalDoubleMaxReducer(), -Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Returns the maximum element, or -Double.MAX_VALUE if empty * @param comparator the comparator * @return maximum element, or -Double.MAX_VALUE if empty */ public double max(DoubleComparator comparator) { return reduce(CommonOps.doubleMaxReducer(comparator), -Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Returns the sum of elements * @return the sum of elements */ public double sum() { return reduce(CommonOps.doubleAdder(), 0); } /** * Returns summary statistics * @param comparator the comparator to use for * locating minimum and maximum elements * @return the summary. */ public ParallelDoubleArray.SummaryStatistics summary (DoubleComparator comparator) { PAS.FJDStats f = new PAS.FJDStats (this, origin, fence, null, comparator); ex.invoke(f); return f; } /** * Returns summary statistics, using natural comparator * @return the summary. */ public ParallelDoubleArray.SummaryStatistics summary() { return summary(CommonOps.naturalDoubleComparator()); } /** * Returns a new ParallelDoubleArray holding mappings * @return a new ParallelDoubleArray holding mappings */ public ParallelDoubleArray all() { return new ParallelDoubleArray(ex, allDoubles()); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mapped elements of the array using the given op. * @param op the op * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping (DoubleToLong op); /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mapped elements of the array using the given op. * @param op the op * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping (DoubleOp op); /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mapped elements of the array using the given op. * @param op the op * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithMapping withMapping (DoubleToObject op); /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithMapping withMapping (DoubleAndObjectToObject combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithMapping withMapping (DoubleAndDoubleToObject combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithMapping withMapping (DoubleAndLongToObject combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping (DoubleAndObjectToDouble combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping (BinaryDoubleOp combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withMapping (DoubleAndLongToDouble combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping (DoubleAndObjectToLong combiner, ParallelArrayWithMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping (DoubleAndDoubleToLong combiner, ParallelDoubleArrayWithDoubleMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on binary mappings of this array and the other array. * @param combiner the combiner * @param other the other array * @return operation prefix * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other array is a * filtered view (all filters must precede all mappings). */ public ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withMapping (DoubleAndLongToLong combiner, ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping other) { if (other.hasFilter()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return withIndexedMapping (AbstractParallelAnyArray.indexedMapper(combiner, other, origin)); } /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mappings of this array using the given mapper that * accepts as arguments an element's current index and value * (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a * new value. * @param mapper the mapper * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithMapping withIndexedMapping (IntAndDoubleToObject mapper); /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mappings of this array using the given mapper that * accepts as arguments an element's current index and value * (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a * new value. * @param mapper the mapper * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithDoubleMapping withIndexedMapping (IntAndDoubleToDouble mapper); /** * Returns an operation prefix that causes a method to operate * on mappings of this array using the given mapper that * accepts as arguments an element's current index and value * (as mapped by preceding mappings, if any), and produces a * new value. * @param mapper the mapper * @return operation prefix */ public abstract ParallelLongArrayWithLongMapping withIndexedMapping (IntAndDoubleToLong mapper); /** * Returns an Iterable view to sequentially step through mapped * elements also obeying bound and filter constraints, without * performing computations to evaluate them in parallel * @return the Iterable view */ public Iterable sequentially() { return new SequentiallyAsDouble(); } }