import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; /** * Misc utilities in JSR166 performance tests */ class LoopHelpers { static final SimpleRandom staticRNG = new SimpleRandom(); // Some mindless computation to do between synchronizations... /** * generates 32 bit pseudo-random numbers. * Adapted from */ public static int compute1(int x) { int lo = 16807 * (x & 0xFFFF); int hi = 16807 * (x >>> 16); lo += (hi & 0x7FFF) << 16; if ((lo & 0x80000000) != 0) { lo &= 0x7fffffff; ++lo; } lo += hi >>> 15; if (lo == 0 || (lo & 0x80000000) != 0) { lo &= 0x7fffffff; ++lo; } return lo; } /** * Computes a linear congruential random number a random number * of times. */ public static int compute2(int x) { int loops = (x >>> 4) & 7; while (loops-- > 0) { x = (x * 2147483647) % 16807; } return x; } /** * Yet another random number generator */ public static int compute3(int x) { int t = (x % 127773) * 16807 - (x / 127773) * 2836; return (t > 0) ? t : t + 0x7fffffff; } /** * Yet another random number generator */ public static int compute4(int x) { return x * 134775813 + 1; } /** * An actually useful random number generator, but unsynchronized. * Basically same as java.util.Random. */ public static class SimpleRandom { private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL; private static final long addend = 0xBL; private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1; static final AtomicLong seq = new AtomicLong(1); private long seed = System.nanoTime() + seq.getAndIncrement(); public void setSeed(long s) { seed = s; } public int next() { long nextseed = (seed * multiplier + addend) & mask; seed = nextseed; return ((int)(nextseed >>> 17)) & 0x7FFFFFFF; } } public static class BarrierTimer implements Runnable { public volatile long startTime; public volatile long endTime; public void run() { long t = System.nanoTime(); if (startTime == 0) startTime = t; else endTime = t; } public void clear() { startTime = 0; endTime = 0; } public long getTime() { return endTime - startTime; } } public static String rightJustify(long n) { // There's probably a better way to do this... String field = " "; String num = Long.toString(n); if (num.length() >= field.length()) return num; StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(field); b.replace(b.length()-num.length(), b.length(), num); return b.toString(); } }