/* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain. Use, modify, and * redistribute this code in any way without acknowledgement. */ package java.util.concurrent; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; /** * Base class for cancellable actions running in the Executor * framework. In addition to serving as a standalone class, this * provides protected functionality that may be useful when * creating customized task classes. */ public class CancellableTask implements Cancellable, Runnable { /** * Holds the run-state, taking on values: * null = not yet started, * [some thread ref] = running, * DONE = completed normally, * CANCELLED = cancelled (may or may not have ever run). * Transitions use atomic updates. */ private volatile Object runner; /* * Special value for "runner" indicating task is completed */ private static final Object DONE = new Object(); /* * Special value for "runner" indicating task is cancelled */ private static final Object CANCELLED = new Object(); private static AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater runnerUpdater = new AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater(new CancellableTask[0], new Object[0], "runner"); /** * The runnable underlying this task */ private volatile Runnable runnable; /** * Creates a new CancellableTask invoking the given * runnable when executed. */ public CancellableTask(Runnable r) { this.runnable = r; } /** * Creates a new CancellableTask without a runnable action, which * must be set using setRunnable before use. This is * intended for use in subclasses that must complete superclass * construction beofre establishing the runnable action. */ protected CancellableTask() { } public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { Object r = runner; if (r == DONE || r == CANCELLED) return false; if (mayInterruptIfRunning && r != null && r instanceof Thread && r != Thread.currentThread() && runnerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, r, CANCELLED)) { ((Thread)r).interrupt(); } else { runnerUpdater.set(this, CANCELLED); } return true; } public boolean isCancelled() { return runner == CANCELLED; } public boolean isDone() { Object r = runner; return r == DONE || r == CANCELLED; } /** * Return the Runnable forming the basis of this task. */ protected Runnable getRunnable() { return runnable; } /** * Set the Runnable forming the basis of this task. */ protected void setRunnable(Runnable r) { runnable = r; } /** * Set the state of this task to Cancelled */ protected void setCancelled() { runnerUpdater.set(this, CANCELLED); } /** * Set the state of this task to Done, unless already * in a Cancelled state, in which Cancelled status is preserved. * */ protected void setDone() { for (;;) { Object r = runner; if (r == DONE || r == CANCELLED) return; if (runnerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, r, DONE)) return; } } /** * Attempt to set the state of this task to Running, succeeding * only if the state is currently NOT Done, Running, or Cancelled. * @return true if successful */ protected boolean setRunning() { return runnerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, Thread.currentThread()); } public void run() { if (setRunning()) { try { runnable.run(); } finally { setDone(); } } } /** * Implementation of Future methods under the control of a current * CancellableTask. This is split into an inner class to permit * Future support to be mixed-in with other flavors of tasks. */ protected class InnerCancellableFuture implements Future, Runnable { private final Callable callable; private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition accessible = lock.newCondition(); private V result; private Throwable exception; protected InnerCancellableFuture(Callable callable) { this.callable = callable; } public boolean isDone() { return CancellableTask.this.isDone(); } public void run() { try { set(callable.call()); } catch(Throwable ex) { setException(ex); } } public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { lock.lock(); try { while (!isDone()) accessible.await(); if (isCancelled()) throw new CancellationException(); else if (exception != null) throw new ExecutionException(exception); else return result; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { lock.lock(); try { if (!isDone()) { long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout); do { if (nanos <= 0) throw new TimeoutException(); nanos = accessible.awaitNanos(nanos); } while (!isDone()); } if (isCancelled()) throw new CancellationException(); else if (exception != null) throw new ExecutionException(exception); else return result; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void set(V v) { lock.lock(); try { result = v; setDone(); accessible.signalAll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void setException(Throwable t) { lock.lock(); try { exception = t; setDone(); accessible.signalAll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } }