/* * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package java.util.concurrent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import java.util.function.BiPredicate; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * A {@link Flow.Publisher} that asynchronously issues submitted items * to current subscribers until it is closed. Each current subscriber * receives newly submitted items in the same order unless drops or * exceptions are encountered. Using a SubmissionPublisher allows * item generators to act as Publishers relying on drop handling * and/or blocking for flow control. * *

A SubmissionPublisher uses the {@link Executor} supplied in its * constructor for delivery to subscribers. The best choice of * Executor depends on expected usage. If the generator(s) of * submitted items run in separate threads, and the number of * subscribers can be estimated, consider using a {@link * Executors#newFixedThreadPool}. Otherwise consider using a * work-stealing pool (including {@link ForkJoinPool#commonPool}). * *

Buffering allows producers and consumers to transiently operate * at different rates. Each subscriber uses an independent buffer. * Buffers are created upon first use with a given initial capacity, * and are resized as needed up to the maximum. (Capacity arguments * may be rounded up to powers of two.) Invocations of {@link * Flow.Subscription#request} do not directly result in buffer * expansion, but risk saturation if unfulfilled requests exceed the * maximum capacity. Choices of buffer parameters rely on expected * rates, resources, and usages, that usually benefit from empirical * testing. As first guesses, consider initial 8 and maximum 1024. * *

An overloaded version of method {@code subscribe} allows * subscribers to override executor and buffer parameters for * a new subscription. * *

Publication methods support different policies about what to do * when buffers are saturated. Method {@link #submit} blocks until * resources are available. This is simplest, but least * responsive. The {@code offer} methods may drop items (either * immediately or with bounded timeout), but provide an opportunity to * interpose a handler and then retry. * *

If any Subscriber method throws an exception, its subscription * is cancelled. If the supplied Executor throws * RejectedExecutionException (or any other RuntimeException or Error) * when attempting to execute a task, or a drop handler throws an * exception when processing a dropped item, then the exception is * rethrown. In these cases, some but not all subscribers may have * received items. It is usually good practice to {@link * #closeExceptionally closeExceptionally} in these cases. * *

This class may also serve as a convenient base for subclasses * that generate items, and use the methods in this class to publish * them. For example here is a class that periodically publishes the * items generated from a supplier. (In practice you might add methods * to independently start and stop generation, to share schedulers * among publishers, and so on, or instead use a SubmissionPublisher * as a component rather than a superclass.) * *

 * class PeriodicPublisher extends SubmissionPublisher {
 *   final ScheduledFuture periodicTask;
 *   final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;
 *   PeriodicPublisher(Executor executor, int initialBufferCapacity,
 *                     int maxBufferCapacity, Supplier supplier,
 *                     long period, TimeUnit unit) {
 *     super(executor, initialBufferCapacity, maxBufferCapacity);
 *     scheduler = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
 *     periodicTask = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(
 *       () -> submit(supplier.get()), 0, period, unit);
 *   }
 *   public void close() {
 *     periodicTask.cancel(false);
 *     scheduler.shutdown();
 *     super.close();
 *   }
 * }}
* *

Here is an example of {@link Flow.Processor} subclass (using * single-step requests to its publisher, for simplicity of * illustration): * *

 * class TransformProcessor extends SubmissionPublisher
 *   implements Flow.Processor {
 *   final Function function;
 *   Flow.Subscription subscription;
 *   TransformProcessor(Executor executor, int initialBufferCapacity,
 *                      int maxBufferCapacity,
 *                      Function function) {
 *     super(executor, initialBufferCapacity, maxBufferCapacity);
 *     this.function = function;
 *   }
 *   public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) {
 *     (this.subscription = subscription).request(1);
 *   }
 *   public void onNext(S item) {
 *     subscription.request(1);
 *     submit(function.apply(item));
 *   }
 *   public void onError(Throwable ex) { closeExceptionally(ex); }
 *   public void onComplete() { close(); }
 * }}
* * @param the published item type * @author Doug Lea * @since 1.9 */ public class SubmissionPublisher implements Flow.Publisher, AutoCloseable { /* * Most mechanics are handled by BufferedSubscription. This class * mainly tracks subscribers and ensures sequentiality, by using * built-in synchronization locks across public methods. (Using * built-in locks works well in the most typical case in which * only one thread submits items). */ // Ensuring that all arrays have power of two length static final int MAXIMUM_BUFFER_CAPACITY = 1 << 30; static final int roundCapacity(int cap) { // to nearest power of 2 int n = cap - 1; n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2; n |= n >>> 4; n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; return (n < 0) ? 1 : (n >= MAXIMUM_BUFFER_CAPACITY) ? MAXIMUM_BUFFER_CAPACITY : n + 1; } /** * Clients (BufferedSubscriptions) are maintained in a linked list * (via their "next" fields). This works well for publish loops. * It requires O(n) traversal to check for duplicate subscribers, * but we expect that subscribing is much less common than * publishing. Unsubscribing occurs only during traversal loops, * when BufferedSubscription methods or status checks return * negative values signifying that they have been disabled. */ BufferedSubscription clients; /** Run status, updated only within locks */ volatile boolean closed; // Parameters for constructing BufferedSubscriptions final Executor executor; final int minBufferCapacity; final int maxBufferCapacity; /** * Screens user arguments */ static void checkParams(Executor executor, int initialBufferCapacity, int maxBufferCapacity) { if (executor == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (initialBufferCapacity <= 0 || maxBufferCapacity <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity must be positive"); if (maxBufferCapacity > MAXIMUM_BUFFER_CAPACITY) throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity exceeds limit"); if (initialBufferCapacity > maxBufferCapacity) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initial cannot exceed max capacity"); } /** * Creates a new SubmissionPublisher using the given Executor for * async delivery to subscribers, and with the given initial and * maximum buffer sizes for each subscriber. In the absence of * other constraints, consider using {@code * ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), 8, 1024}. * * @param executor the executor to use for async delivery, * supporting creation of at least one independent thread * @param initialBufferCapacity the initial capacity for each * subscriber's buffer (the actual capacity may be rounded up to * the nearest power of two) * @param maxBufferCapacity the maximum capacity for each * subscriber's buffer (the actual capacity may be rounded up to * the nearest power of two) * @throws NullPointerException if executor is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if initialBufferCapacity is * not positive or exceeds maxBufferCapacity, or maxBufferCapacity * exceeds {@code 1<<30} (about 1 billion), the maximum bound for * a power of two array size */ public SubmissionPublisher(Executor executor, int initialBufferCapacity, int maxBufferCapacity) { checkParams(executor, initialBufferCapacity, maxBufferCapacity); int minc = roundCapacity(initialBufferCapacity); int maxc = roundCapacity(maxBufferCapacity); this.executor = executor; this.minBufferCapacity = minc; this.maxBufferCapacity = maxc; } /** * Adds the given Subscriber unless already subscribed. If * already subscribed, the Subscriber's onError method is invoked * with an IllegalStateException. Otherwise, upon success, the * Subscriber's onSubscribe method is invoked with a new * Subscription. If onSubscribe throws an exception, the * subscription is cancelled. Otherwise, if this * SubmissionPublisher is closed, the subscriber's onComplete * method is then invoked. Subscribers may enable receiving items * by invoking the {@code request} method of the new Subscription, * and may unsubscribe by invoking its cancel method. * * @param subscriber the subscriber * @throws NullPointerException if subscriber is null */ public void subscribe(Flow.Subscriber subscriber) { doSubscribe(subscriber, executor, minBufferCapacity, maxBufferCapacity); } /** * Adds the given subscriber, with the same effects as {@link * #subscribe(Flow.Subscriber)}, but overriding the * executor and/or buffer capacities otherwise used by this * Publisher. * * @param subscriber the subscriber * @param executor the executor to use for async delivery, * supporting creation of at least one independent thread * @param initialBufferCapacity the initial capacity for each * subscriber's buffer (the actual capacity may be rounded up to * the nearest power of two) * @param maxBufferCapacity the maximum capacity for each * subscriber's buffer (the actual capacity may be rounded up to * the nearest power of two) * @throws NullPointerException if executor or subscriber are null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if initialBufferCapacity is * not positive or exceeds maxBufferCapacity, or maxBufferCapacity * exceeds {@code 1<<30} (about 1 billion), the maximum bound for * a power of two array size */ public void subscribe(Flow.Subscriber subscriber, Executor executor, int initialBufferCapacity, int maxBufferCapacity) { checkParams(executor, initialBufferCapacity, maxBufferCapacity); doSubscribe(subscriber, executor, roundCapacity(initialBufferCapacity), roundCapacity(maxBufferCapacity)); } /** * Implements both forms of subscribe */ final void doSubscribe(Flow.Subscriber subscriber, Executor e, int minCap, int maxCap) { if (subscriber == null) throw new NullPointerException(); BufferedSubscription subscription = new BufferedSubscription(subscriber, e, minCap, maxCap); boolean present = false, complete; synchronized (this) { complete = closed; BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; ; b = next) { if (b == null) { if (pred == null) clients = subscription; else pred.next = subscription; subscription.onSubscribe(); break; } next = b.next; if (b.isDisabled()) { // remove if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else if (subscriber.equals(b.subscriber)) { present = true; break; } pred = b; } } if (present) subscriber.onError(new IllegalStateException("Already subscribed")); else if (complete) subscription.onComplete(); } /** * Publishes the given item to each current subscriber by * asynchronously invoking its onNext method, blocking * uninterruptibly while resources for any subscriber are * unavailable. * *

If the Executor for this publisher throws a * RejectedExecutionException (or any other RuntimeException or * Error) when attempting to asynchronously notify subscribers, * then this exception is rethrown. * * @param item the (non-null) item to publish * @throws IllegalStateException if closed * @throws NullPointerException if item is null * @throws RejectedExecutionException if thrown by Executor */ public void submit(T item) { if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException(); synchronized (this) { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("Closed"); BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { int stat; next = b.next; if ((stat = b.submit(item)) < 0) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else pred = b; } } } /** * Publishes the given item, if possible, to each current * subscriber by asynchronously invoking its onNext method. The * item may be dropped by one or more subscribers if resource * limits are exceeded, in which case the given handler (if * non-null) is invoked, and if it returns true, retried once. * Other calls to methods in this class by other threads are * blocked while the handler is invoked. Unless recovery is * assured, options are usually limited to logging the error * and/or issuing an onError signal to the subscriber. * *

If the Executor for this publisher throws a * RejectedExecutionException (or any other RuntimeException or * Error) when attempting to asynchronously notify subscribers, or * the drop handler throws an exception when processing a dropped * item, then this exception is rethrown. * * @param item the (non-null) item to publish * @param onDrop if non-null, the handler invoked upon a drop to a * subscriber, with arguments of the subscriber and item; if it * returns true, an offer is re-attempted (once) * @return the number of drops (failed attempts to issue the item * to a subscriber) * @throws IllegalStateException if closed * @throws NullPointerException if item is null * @throws RejectedExecutionException if thrown by Executor */ public int offer(T item, BiPredicate, ? super T> onDrop) { if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException(); int drops = 0; synchronized (this) { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("Closed"); BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { int stat; next = b.next; if ((stat = b.offer(item)) == 0 && onDrop != null && onDrop.test(b.subscriber, item)) stat = b.offer(item); if (stat < 0) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else { pred = b; if (stat == 0) ++drops; } } return drops; } } /** * Publishes the given item, if possible, to each current * subscriber by asynchronously invoking its onNext method, * blocking while resources for any subscription are unavailable, * up to the specified timeout or the caller thread is * interrupted, at which point the given handler (if non-null) is * invoked, and if it returns true, retried once. (The drop * handler may distinguish timeouts from interrupts by checking * whether the current thread is interrupted.) Other calls to * methods in this class by other threads are blocked while the * handler is invoked. Unless recovery is assured, options are * usually limited to logging the error and/or issuing an onError * signal to the subscriber. * *

If the Executor for this publisher throws a * RejectedExecutionException (or any other RuntimeException or * Error) when attempting to asynchronously notify subscribers, or * the drop handler throws an exception when processing a dropped * item, then this exception is rethrown. * * @param item the (non-null) item to publish * @param timeout how long to wait for resources for any subscriber * before giving up, in units of {@code unit} * @param unit a {@code TimeUnit} determining how to interpret the * {@code timeout} parameter * @param onDrop if non-null, the handler invoked upon a drop to a * subscriber, with arguments of the subscriber and item; if it * returns true, an offer is re-attempted (once) * @return the number of drops (failed attempts to issue the item * to a subscriber) * @throws IllegalStateException if closed * @throws NullPointerException if item is null * @throws RejectedExecutionException if thrown by Executor */ public int offer(T item, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, BiPredicate, ? super T> onDrop) { if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException(); long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout); int drops = 0; synchronized (this) { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("Closed"); BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { int stat; next = b.next; if ((stat = b.offerNanos(item, nanos)) == 0 && onDrop != null && onDrop.test(b.subscriber, item)) stat = b.offer(item); if (stat < 0) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else { pred = b; if (stat == 0) ++drops; } } } return drops; } /** * Unless already closed, issues onComplete signals to current * subscribers, and disallows subsequent attempts to publish. */ public void close() { if (!closed) { BufferedSubscription b, next; synchronized (this) { b = clients; clients = null; closed = true; } while (b != null) { next = b.next; b.onComplete(); b = next; } } } /** * Unless already closed, issues onError signals to current * subscribers with the given error, and disallows subsequent * attempts to publish. * * @param error the onError argument sent to subscribers * @throws NullPointerException if error is null */ public void closeExceptionally(Throwable error) { if (error == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (!closed) { BufferedSubscription b, next; synchronized (this) { b = clients; clients = null; closed = true; } while (b != null) { next = b.next; b.onError(error); b = next; } } } /** * Returns true if this publisher is not accepting submissions. * * @return true if closed */ public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } /** * Returns true if this publisher has any subscribers. * * @return true if this publisher has any subscribers */ public boolean hasSubscribers() { boolean nonEmpty = false; if (!closed) { synchronized (this) { BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { next = b.next; if (b.isDisabled()) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else { nonEmpty = true; break; } } } } return nonEmpty; } /** * Returns the Executor used for asynchronous delivery. * * @return the Executor used for asynchronous delivery */ public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; } /** * Returns the initial per-subscriber buffer capacity. * * @return the initial per-subscriber buffer capacity */ public int getInitialBufferCapacity() { return minBufferCapacity; } /** * Returns the maximum per-subscriber buffer capacity. * * @return the maximum per-subscriber buffer capacity */ public int getMaxBufferCapacity() { return maxBufferCapacity; } /** * Returns a list of current subscribers. * * @return list of current subscribers */ public List> getSubscribers() { ArrayList> subs = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (this) { BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { next = b.next; if (b.isDisabled()) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else subs.add(b.subscriber); } } return subs; } /** * Returns true if the given Subscriber is currently subscribed. * * @param subscriber the subscriber * @return true if currently subscribed */ public boolean isSubscribed(Flow.Subscriber subscriber) { if (!closed) { synchronized (this) { BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { next = b.next; if (b.isDisabled()) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else if (subscriber == b.subscriber) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns an estimate of the number of buffered items (those * produced but not consumed), summed across all current * subscribers. * * @return the estimate */ public long estimateBuffered() { long sum = 0L; synchronized (this) { BufferedSubscription pred = null, next; for (BufferedSubscription b = clients; b != null; b = next) { next = b.next; if (b.isDisabled()) { if (pred == null) clients = next; else pred.next = next; } else sum += b.estimateBuffered(); } } return sum; } /** * A bounded (ring) buffer with integrated control to start a * consumer task whenever items are available. The buffer * algorithm is similar to one used inside ForkJoinPool, * specialized for the case of at most one concurrent producer and * consumer, and power of two buffer sizes. This allows methods to * operate without locks even while supporting resizing, blocking, * task-triggering, and garbage-free buffers (nulling out elements * when consumed), although supporting these does impose a bit of * overhead compared to plain fixed-size ring buffers. * * The publisher guarantees a single producer via its lock. We * ensure in this class that there is at most one consumer. The * request and cancel methods must be fully thread-safe but are * coded to exploit the most common case in which they are only * called by consumers (usually within onNext). * * This class also serves as its own consumer task, consuming as * many items/signals as possible before terminating, at which * point it is re-executed when needed. (The dual Runnable and * ForkJoinTask declaration saves overhead when executed by * ForkJoinPools, without impacting other kinds of Executors.) * Execution control is managed using the ACTIVE ctl bit. We * ensure that a task is active when consumable items (and * usually, SUBSCRIBE, ERROR or COMPLETE signals) are present and * there is demand (unfulfilled requests). This is complicated on * the creation side by the possibility of exceptions when trying * to execute tasks. These eventually force DISABLED state, but * sometimes not directly. On the task side, termination (clearing * ACTIVE) may race with producers or request() calls, so in some * cases requires a re-check, re-activating if possible. * * The ctl field also manages run state. When DISABLED, no further * updates are possible. Disabling may be preceded by setting * ERROR or COMPLETE (or both -- ERROR has precedence), in which * case the associated Subscriber methods are invoked, possibly * synchronously if there is no active consumer task (including * cases where execute() failed). The cancel() method is supported * by treating as ERROR but suppressing onError signal. * * Support for blocking also exploits the fact that there is only * one possible waiter. ManagedBlocker-compatible control fields * are placed in this class itself rather than in wait-nodes. * Blocking control relies on the "waiter" field. Producers set * the field before trying to block, but must then recheck (via * offer) before parking. Signalling then just unparks and clears * waiter field. If the producer and consumer are both in the same * ForkJoinPool, the producer attempts to help run consumer tasks * that it forked before blocking. * * This class uses @Contended and heuristic field declaration * ordering to reduce memory contention on BufferedSubscription * itself, but it does not currently attempt to avoid memory * contention (especially including card-marks) among buffer * elements, that can significantly slow down some usages. * Addressing this may require allocating substantially more space * than users expect. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @sun.misc.Contended static final class BufferedSubscription extends ForkJoinTask implements Runnable, Flow.Subscription, ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker { // Order-sensitive field declarations long timeout; // > 0 if timed wait volatile long demand; // # unfilled requests final int minCapacity; // initial buffer size int maxCapacity; // reduced on OOME int putStat; // offer result for ManagedBlocker volatile int ctl; // atomic run state flags volatile int head; // next position to take volatile int tail; // next position to put volatile Object[] array; // buffer: null if disabled Flow.Subscriber subscriber; // null if disabled Executor executor; // null if disabled volatile Throwable pendingError; // holds until onError issued volatile Thread waiter; // blocked producer thread T putItem; // for offer within ManagedBlocker BufferedSubscription next; // used only by publisher // ctl values static final int ACTIVE = 0x01; // consumer task active static final int DISABLED = 0x02; // final state static final int ERROR = 0x04; // signal onError then disable static final int SUBSCRIBE = 0x08; // signal onSubscribe static final int COMPLETE = 0x10; // signal onComplete when done static final long INTERRUPTED = -1L; // timeout vs interrupt sentinel BufferedSubscription(Flow.Subscriber subscriber, Executor executor, int minBufferCapacity, int maxBufferCapacity) { this.subscriber = subscriber; this.executor = executor; this.minCapacity = minBufferCapacity; this.maxCapacity = maxBufferCapacity; } final boolean isDisabled() { return ctl == DISABLED; } final int estimateBuffered() { int n; return (ctl != DISABLED && (n = tail - head) > 0) ? n : 0; } /** * Tries to add item and start consumer task if necessary. * @return -1 if disabled, 0 if dropped, else 1 */ final int offer(T item) { Object[] a = array; int t = tail, h = head, n, i, stat; if (a != null && (n = a.length) > t - h && (i = t & (n - 1)) >= 0) { a[i] = item; U.putOrderedInt(this, TAIL, t + 1); } else if ((stat = growAndAdd(a, item)) <= 0) return stat; for (int c;;) { // possibly start task Executor e; if (((c = ctl) & ACTIVE) != 0) break; else if (c == DISABLED || (e = executor) == null) return -1; else if (demand == 0L || tail == head) break; else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ACTIVE)) { try { e.execute(this); break; } catch (RuntimeException | Error ex) { // back out do {} while ((c = ctl) >= 0 && (c & ACTIVE) != 0 && !U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c & ~ACTIVE)); throw ex; } } } return 1; } /** * Tries to create or expand buffer, then adds item if possible */ final int growAndAdd(Object[] oldArray, T item) { int oldLen, newLen; if (oldArray != null) newLen = (oldLen = oldArray.length) << 1; else if (ctl >= 0) { oldLen = 0; newLen = minCapacity; } else return -1; // disabled if (oldLen >= maxCapacity || newLen <= 0) return 0; // cannot grow Object[] newArray; try { newArray = new Object[newLen]; } catch (Throwable ex) { // try to cope with OOME if (oldLen > 0) // avoid continuous failure maxCapacity = oldLen; return 0; } array = newArray; int t = tail, oldMask = oldLen - 1, newMask = newLen - 1; if (oldArray != null && oldMask >= 0 && newMask >= oldMask) { for (int j = head; j != t; ++j) { // races with consumer Object x; int i = j & oldMask; if ((x = oldArray[i]) != null && U.compareAndSwapObject(oldArray, (((long)i) << ASHIFT) + ABASE, x, null)) newArray[j & newMask] = x; } } newArray[t & newMask] = item; tail = t + 1; return 1; } /** * Spins/helps/blocks while offer returns 0 */ final int submit(T item) { int stat; if ((stat = offer(item)) == 0) { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if ((thread instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) && ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)thread).getPool() == executor) { for (ForkJoinTask t;;) { // try helping if ((t = ForkJoinTask.peekNextLocalTask()) == null || !(t instanceof BufferedSubscription)) break; if (t.tryUnfork()) t.exec(); if ((stat = offer(item)) != 0) break; } } if (stat == 0) { putItem = item; timeout = 0L; try { ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(this); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { timeout = INTERRUPTED; } stat = putStat; if (timeout < 0L) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return stat; } /** * Timeout version of offer */ final int offerNanos(T item, long nanos) { int stat; if ((stat = offer(item)) == 0 && nanos > 0L) { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if ((thread instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) && ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)thread).getPool() == executor) { long deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanos; for (ForkJoinTask t;;) { // similar to above if ((t = ForkJoinTask.peekNextLocalTask()) == null || !(t instanceof BufferedSubscription)) break; if (t.tryUnfork()) t.exec(); if ((stat = offer(item)) != 0 || (nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L) break; } } if (stat == 0 && (timeout = nanos) > 0L) { putItem = item; try { ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(this); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { timeout = INTERRUPTED; } stat = putStat; if (timeout < 0L) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } return stat; } /** * Nulls out most fields, mainly to avoid garbage retention * until publisher unsubscribes, but also to help cleanly stop * upon error by nulling required components. */ final void detach() { pendingError = null; subscriber = null; executor = null; array = null; Thread w = waiter; if (w != null) { waiter = null; LockSupport.unpark(w); // force wakeup } } /** * Issues error signal, asynchronously if a task is running, * else synchronously */ final void onError(Throwable ex) { for (int c;;) { if ((c = ctl) == DISABLED) break; else if ((c & ACTIVE) != 0) { pendingError = ex; if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ERROR)) break; // cause consumer task to exit } else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, DISABLED)) { Flow.Subscriber s = subscriber; if (s != null && ex != null) { try { s.onError(ex); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } detach(); break; } } } /** * Tries to start consumer task upon a signal or request; * disables on failure. */ final void startOrDisable() { Executor e; // skip if already disabled if ((e = executor) != null) { try { e.execute(this); } catch (Throwable ex) { // back out and force signal for (int c;;) { if ((c = ctl) == DISABLED || (c & ACTIVE) == 0) break; if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c & ~ACTIVE)) { onError(ex); break; } } } } } final void onComplete() { for (int c;;) { if ((c = ctl) == DISABLED) break; if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | (ACTIVE | COMPLETE))) { if ((c & ACTIVE) == 0) startOrDisable(); break; } } } final void onSubscribe() { for (int c;;) { if ((c = ctl) == DISABLED) break; if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | (ACTIVE | SUBSCRIBE))) { if ((c & ACTIVE) == 0) startOrDisable(); break; } } } /** * Causes consumer task to exit if active (without reporting * onError unless there is already a pending error), and * disables. */ public void cancel() { for (int c;;) { if ((c = ctl) == DISABLED) break; else if ((c & ACTIVE) != 0) { if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ERROR)) break; } else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, DISABLED)) { detach(); break; } } } /** * Adds to demand and possibly starts task. */ public void request(long n) { if (n > 0L) { for (;;) { long prev = demand, d; if ((d = prev + n) < prev) // saturate d = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, DEMAND, prev, d)) { for (int c, h;;) { if (((c = ctl) & (ACTIVE | DISABLED)) != 0 || demand == 0L) break; if ((h = head) != tail) { if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ACTIVE)) { startOrDisable(); break; } } else if (head == h && tail == h) break; } break; } } } else if (n < 0L) onError(new IllegalArgumentException( "negative subscription request")); } public final boolean isReleasable() { // for ManagedBlocker T item = putItem; if (item != null) { if ((putStat = offer(item)) == 0) return false; putItem = null; } return true; } public final boolean block() { // for ManagedBlocker T item = putItem; if (item != null) { putItem = null; long nanos = timeout; long deadline = (nanos > 0L) ? System.nanoTime() + nanos : 0L; while ((putStat = offer(item)) == 0) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { timeout = INTERRUPTED; if (nanos > 0L) break; } else if (nanos > 0L && (nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L) break; else if (waiter == null) waiter = Thread.currentThread(); else { if (nanos > 0L) LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); else LockSupport.park(this); waiter = null; } } } waiter = null; return true; } /** * Consumer task loop; supports resubmission when used as * ForkJoinTask. */ public final boolean exec() { Flow.Subscriber s; if ((s = subscriber) != null) { // else disabled for (;;) { long d = demand; // read volatile fields in acceptable order int c = ctl; int h = head; int t = tail; Object[] a = array; int i, n; Object x; Thread w; if ((c & (ERROR | SUBSCRIBE | DISABLED)) != 0) { if ((c & ERROR) != 0) { Throwable ex = pendingError; ctl = DISABLED; // no need for CAS if (ex != null) { try { s.onError(ex); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } } else if ((c & SUBSCRIBE) != 0) { if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c & ~SUBSCRIBE)) { try { s.onSubscribe(this); } catch (Throwable ex) { ctl = DISABLED; } } } else { detach(); break; } } else if (h == t) { // empty if (h == tail && U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c &= ~ACTIVE)) { if (h != tail || c != (c = ctl)) { // recheck if ((c & (ACTIVE | DISABLED)) != 0 || !U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ACTIVE)) break; } else if ((c & COMPLETE) != 0) { ctl = DISABLED; try { s.onComplete(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } else break; } } else if (a == null || (n = a.length) == 0 || (x = a[i = h & (n - 1)]) == null) ; // stale; retry else if (d == 0L) { // can't take if (demand == 0L && U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c &= ~ACTIVE) && ((demand == 0L && c == (c = ctl)) || // recheck (c & (ACTIVE | DISABLED)) != 0 || !U.compareAndSwapInt(this, CTL, c, c | ACTIVE))) break; } else if (U.compareAndSwapObject( a, (((long)i) << ASHIFT) + ABASE, x, null)) { U.putOrderedInt(this, HEAD, h + 1); while (!U.compareAndSwapLong(this, DEMAND, d, d - 1L)) d = demand; // almost never fails if ((w = waiter) != null) { waiter = null; LockSupport.unpark(w); // release producer } try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T y = (T) x; s.onNext(y); } catch (Throwable ex) { // disable on throw ctl = DISABLED; } } } } return false; // resubmittable; never joined } // Runnable and FJ support public final void run() { exec(); } public final Void getRawResult() { return null; } public final void setRawResult(Void v) {} // Unsafe mechanics private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); private static final long CTL; private static final long TAIL; private static final long HEAD; private static final long DEMAND; private static final int ABASE; private static final int ASHIFT; static { try { CTL = U.objectFieldOffset (BufferedSubscription.class.getDeclaredField("ctl")); TAIL = U.objectFieldOffset (BufferedSubscription.class.getDeclaredField("tail")); HEAD = U.objectFieldOffset (BufferedSubscription.class.getDeclaredField("head")); DEMAND = U.objectFieldOffset (BufferedSubscription.class.getDeclaredField("demand")); ABASE = U.arrayBaseOffset(Object[].class); int scale = U.arrayIndexScale(Object[].class); if ((scale & (scale - 1)) != 0) throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two"); ASHIFT = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error(e); } } } }