/* * Written by Josh Bloch and Doug Lea with assistance from members of * JCP JSR-166 Expert Group and released to the public domain, as * explained at http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ import java.util.*; public class ListBash { static boolean canRemove = true; static final Random rnd = new Random(); static int numItr; static int listSize; static boolean synch; static Class cl; public static void main(String[] args) { numItr = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); listSize = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); cl = null; try { cl = Class.forName(args[0]); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { fail("Class " + args[0] + " not found."); } synch = (args.length>3); oneRun(); oneRun(); oneRun(); } static void oneRun() { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); for (int i=0; i s = newList(cl, synch); for (int i=0; i s1 = newList(cl, synch); AddRandoms(s1, listSize); List s2 = newList(cl, synch); AddRandoms(s2, listSize); sets(s1, s2); s1.clear(); if (s1.size() != 0) fail("Clear didn't reduce size to zero."); s1.addAll(0, s2); if (!(s1.equals(s2) && s2.equals(s1))) fail("addAll(int, Collection) doesn't work."); // Reverse List for (int j=0, n=s1.size(); j s1, List s2) { int sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < listSize; ++k) { sum += (s1.get(k)).intValue(); sum -= (s2.get(k)).intValue(); } for (int k = 0; k < listSize; ++k) { sum += (s1.get(k)).intValue(); s1.set(k, sum); sum -= (s2.get(k)).intValue(); s1.set(k, -sum); } for (int k = 0; k < listSize; ++k) { sum += (s1.get(k)).intValue(); sum -= (s2.get(k)).intValue(); } if (sum == 0) System.out.print(" "); } static void sets(List s1, List s2) { List intersection = clone(s1, cl,synch);intersection.retainAll(s2); List diff1 = clone(s1, cl, synch); diff1.removeAll(s2); List diff2 = clone(s2, cl, synch); diff2.removeAll(s1); List union = clone(s1, cl, synch); union.addAll(s2); if (diff1.removeAll(diff2)) fail("List algebra identity 2 failed"); if (diff1.removeAll(intersection)) fail("List algebra identity 3 failed"); if (diff2.removeAll(diff1)) fail("List algebra identity 4 failed"); if (diff2.removeAll(intersection)) fail("List algebra identity 5 failed"); if (intersection.removeAll(diff1)) fail("List algebra identity 6 failed"); if (intersection.removeAll(diff1)) fail("List algebra identity 7 failed"); intersection.addAll(diff1); intersection.addAll(diff2); if (!(intersection.containsAll(union) && union.containsAll(intersection))) fail("List algebra identity 1 failed"); Iterator e = union.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) intersection.remove(e.next()); if (!intersection.isEmpty()) fail("Copy nonempty after deleting all elements."); e = union.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Object o = e.next(); if (!union.contains(o)) fail("List doesn't contain one of its elements."); if (canRemove) { try { e.remove(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { canRemove = false; } } } if (canRemove && !union.isEmpty()) fail("List nonempty after deleting all elements."); } static void evenOdd(List s) { List even = clone(s, cl, synch); List odd = clone(s, cl, synch); List all; Iterator it; if (!canRemove) all = clone(s, cl, synch); else { it = even.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if ((it.next()).intValue() % 2 == 1) it.remove(); it = even.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if ((it.next()).intValue() % 2 == 1) fail("Failed to remove all odd nubmers."); for (int i=0; i<(listSize/2); i++) odd.remove(i); for (int i=0; i<(listSize/2); i++) { int ii = (odd.get(i)).intValue(); if (ii % 2 != 1) fail("Failed to remove all even nubmers. " + ii); } all = clone(odd, cl, synch); for (int i=0; i<(listSize/2); i++) all.add(2*i, even.get(i)); if (!all.equals(s)) fail("Failed to reconstruct ints from odds and evens."); all = clone(odd, cl, synch); ListIterator itAll = all.listIterator(all.size()); ListIterator itEven = even.listIterator(even.size()); while (itEven.hasPrevious()) { itAll.previous(); itAll.add(itEven.previous()); itAll.previous(); // ??? } itAll = all.listIterator(); while (itAll.hasNext()) { Integer i = itAll.next(); itAll.set(new Integer(i.intValue())); } itAll = all.listIterator(); it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (it.next()==itAll.next()) fail("Iterator.set failed to change value."); } if (!all.equals(s)) fail("Failed to reconstruct ints with ListIterator."); } static void sublists(List s) { List all = clone(s, cl, synch); Iterator it = all.listIterator(); int i=0; while (it.hasNext()) { Object o = it.next(); if (all.indexOf(o) != all.lastIndexOf(o)) fail("Apparent duplicate detected."); if (all.subList(i, all.size()).indexOf(o) != 0) { System.out.println("s0: " + all.subList(i, all.size()).indexOf(o)); fail("subList/indexOf is screwy."); } if (all.subList(i+1, all.size()).indexOf(o) != -1) { System.out.println("s-1: " + all.subList(i+1, all.size()).indexOf(o)); fail("subList/indexOf is screwy."); } if (all.subList(0,i+1).lastIndexOf(o) != i) { System.out.println("si" + all.subList(0,i+1).lastIndexOf(o)); fail("subList/lastIndexOf is screwy."); } i++; } } static void arrays() { List l = newList(cl, synch); AddRandoms(l, listSize); Integer[] ia = l.toArray(new Integer[0]); if (!l.equals(Arrays.asList(ia))) fail("toArray(Object[]) is hosed (1)"); ia = new Integer[listSize]; Integer[] ib = l.toArray(ia); if (ia != ib || !l.equals(Arrays.asList(ia))) fail("toArray(Object[]) is hosed (2)"); ia = new Integer[listSize+1]; ia[listSize] = new Integer(69); ib = l.toArray(ia); if (ia != ib || ia[listSize] != null || !l.equals(Arrays.asList(ia).subList(0, listSize))) fail("toArray(Object[]) is hosed (3)"); } // Done inefficiently so as to exercise toArray static List clone(List s, Class cl, boolean synch) { List a = Arrays.asList(s.toArray()); if (s.hashCode() != a.hashCode()) fail("Incorrect hashCode computation."); List clone = newList(cl, synch); clone.addAll(a); if (!s.equals(clone)) fail("List not equal to copy."); if (!s.containsAll(clone)) fail("List does not contain copy."); if (!clone.containsAll(s)) fail("Copy does not contain list."); return (List) clone; } static List newList(Class cl, boolean synch) { try { List s = (List) cl.newInstance(); if (synch) s = Collections.synchronizedList(s); if (!s.isEmpty()) fail("New instance non empty."); return s; } catch (Throwable t) { fail("Can't instantiate " + cl + ": " + t); } return null; //Shut up compiler. } static void AddRandoms(List s, int n) { for (int i=0; i