/* * Written by Doug Lea and Bill Scherer with assistance from members * of JCP JSR-166 Expert Group and released to the public domain, as * explained at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; /** * A parallel Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) program based on a * genetic algorithm using an Exchanger. A population of chromosomes * is distributed among "pools". The chromosomes represent tours, and * their fitness is the total tour length. Each chromosome is * initialized as a random tour. A Task is associated with each pool. * Each task repeatedly does, for a fixed number of iterations * (generations): * *
  1. Select a breeder b from the pool *
  2. Create a strand of its tour with a random starting point and length *
  3. Offer the strand to the exchanger, receiving a strand from * another pool *
  4. Combine b and the received strand using crossing function to * create new chromosome c. *
  5. Replace a chromosome in the pool with c. *
* * See below for more details. *

* */ public class TSPExchangerTest { static final int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 2); /** * The problem size. Each city is a random point. The goal is to * find a tour among them with smallest total Euclidean distance. */ static final int DEFAULT_CITIES = 144; // Tuning parameters. /** * The number of chromosomes per pool. Must be a power of two. * * Smaller values lead to faster iterations but poorer quality * results */ static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 32; /** * The number of iterations per task. Convergence appears * to be roughly proportional to #cities-squared */ static final int DEFAULT_GENERATIONS = DEFAULT_CITIES * DEFAULT_CITIES; /** * The number of pools. The total population is #pools * poolSize, * which should be roughly on the order of #cities-squared * * Smaller values lead to faster total runs but poorer quality * results */ static final int DEFAULT_NPOOLS = DEFAULT_GENERATIONS / DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE; /** * The minimum length for a random chromosome strand. * Must be at least 1. */ static final int MIN_STRAND_LENGTH = 3; /** * The probablility mask value for creating random strands, * that have lengths at least MIN_STRAND_LENGTH, and grow * with exposnential decay 2^(-(1/(RANDOM_STRAND_MASK + 1) * Must be 1 less than a power of two. */ static final int RANDOM_STRAND_MASK = 7; /** * Probablility control for selecting breeders. * Breeders are selected starting at the best-fitness chromosome, * with exponentially decaying probablility * 1 / (poolSize >>> BREEDER_DECAY). * * Larger values usually cause faster convergence but poorer * quality results */ static final int BREEDER_DECAY = 1; /** * Probablility control for selecting dyers. * Dyers are selected starting at the worst-fitness chromosome, * with exponentially decaying probablility * 1 / (poolSize >>> DYER_DECAY) * * Larger values usually cause faster convergence but poorer * quality results */ static final int DYER_DECAY = 1; /** * The probability mask for a task to give up running and * resubmit itself. On each iteration, a task stops iterating * and resubmits itself with probability 1 / (RESUBMIT_MASK+1). * This avoids some tasks running to completion before others * even start when there are more pools than threads. * * Must be 1 less than a power of two. */ static final int RESUBMIT_MASK = 63; static final boolean verbose = true; static final long SNAPSHOT_RATE = 10000; // in milliseconds /** * The set of cities. Created once per program run, to * make it easier to compare solutions across different runs. */ static CitySet cities; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int maxThreads = DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS; int nCities = DEFAULT_CITIES; int poolSize = DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE; int nGen = nCities * nCities; int nPools = nCities * nCities / poolSize; try { int argc = 0; while (argc < args.length) { String option = args[argc++]; if (option.equals("-c")) { nCities = Integer.parseInt(args[argc]); nGen = nCities * nCities; nPools = nCities * nCities / poolSize; } else if (option.equals("-p")) poolSize = Integer.parseInt(args[argc]); else if (option.equals("-g")) nGen = Integer.parseInt(args[argc]); else if (option.equals("-n")) nPools = Integer.parseInt(args[argc]); else maxThreads = Integer.parseInt(option); argc++; } } catch (Exception e) { reportUsageErrorAndDie(); } System.out.print("TSPExchangerTest"); System.out.print(" -c " + nCities); System.out.print(" -g " + nGen); System.out.print(" -p " + poolSize); System.out.print(" -n " + nPools); System.out.print(" max threads " + maxThreads); System.out.println(); cities = new CitySet(nCities); for (int i = 2; i <= maxThreads; i += 2) oneRun(i, nPools, poolSize, nGen); } static void reportUsageErrorAndDie() { System.out.print("usage: TSPExchangerTest"); System.out.print(" [-c #cities]"); System.out.print(" [-p #poolSize]"); System.out.print(" [-g #generations]"); System.out.print(" [-n #pools]"); System.out.print(" #threads]"); System.out.println(); System.exit(0); } /** * Perform one run with the given parameters. Each run completes * when all but one of the tasks has finished. The last remaining * task may have no one left to exchange with, so the pool is * abruptly terminated. */ static void oneRun(int nThreads, int nPools, int poolSize, int nGen) throws InterruptedException { Population p = new Population(nThreads, nPools, poolSize, nGen); ProgressMonitor mon = null; if (verbose) { mon = new ProgressMonitor(p); mon.start(); } p.printSnapshot(0); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); p.start(); p.awaitTasks(); long stopTime = System.nanoTime(); if (mon != null) mon.interrupt(); p.shutdown(); Thread.sleep(100); long elapsed = stopTime - startTime; long rate = elapsed / (nPools * nGen); double secs = (double)elapsed / 1000000000.0; p.printSnapshot(secs); System.out.printf("%10d ns per transfer\n", rate); } /** * A Population creates the pools, tasks, and threads for a run * and has control methods to start, stop, and report progress. */ static final class Population { final Task[] tasks; final Exchanger exchanger; final ThreadPoolExecutor exec; final CountDownLatch done; final int nGen; final int poolSize; final int nThreads; Population(int nThreads, int nPools, int poolSize, int nGen) { this.nThreads = nThreads; this.nGen = nGen; this.poolSize = poolSize; this.exchanger = new Exchanger(); this.done = new CountDownLatch(nPools-1); this.tasks = new Task[nPools]; for (int i = 0; i < nPools; i++) tasks[i] = new Task(this); BlockingQueue tq = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); this.exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor(nThreads, nThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, tq); exec.prestartAllCoreThreads(); } /** Start the tasks */ void start() { for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) exec.execute(tasks[i]); } /** Stop the tasks */ void shutdown() { exec.shutdownNow(); } /** Called by task upon terminations */ void taskDone() { done.countDown(); } /** Wait for (all but one) task to complete */ void awaitTasks() throws InterruptedException { done.await(); } /** * Called by a task to resubmit itself after completing * fewer than nGen iterations. */ void resubmit(Task task) { exec.execute(task); } void printSnapshot(double secs) { int gens = 0; double best = Double.MAX_VALUE; double worst = 0; for (int k = 0; k < tasks.length; ++k) { gens += tasks[k].gen; Chromosome[] cs = tasks[k].chromosomes; float b = cs[0].fitness; if (b < best) best = b; float w = cs[cs.length-1].fitness; if (w > worst) worst = w; } int avegen = (done.getCount() == 0)? nGen : gens / tasks.length; System.out.printf("Time:%9.3f Best:%9.3f Worst:%9.3f Gen:%6d Threads:%4d\n", secs, best, worst, avegen, nThreads); } float averageFitness() { // currently unused float total = 0; int count = 0; for (int k = 0; k < tasks.length; ++k) { Chromosome[] cs = tasks[k].chromosomes; for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) total += cs[i].fitness; count += cs.length; } return total/(float)count; } } /** * A Task updates its pool of chromosomes.. */ static final class Task implements Runnable { /** The pool of chromosomes, kept in sorted order */ final Chromosome[] chromosomes; final Population pop; /** The common exchanger, same for all tasks */ final Exchanger exchanger; /** The current strand being exchanged */ Strand strand; /** Bitset used in cross */ final int[] inTour; final RNG rng; final int poolSize; final int nGen; int gen; Task(Population pop) { this.pop = pop; this.nGen = pop.nGen; this.gen = 0; this.poolSize = pop.poolSize; this.exchanger = pop.exchanger; this.rng = new RNG(); int length = cities.length; this.strand = new Strand(length); this.inTour = new int[(length >>> 5) + 1]; this.chromosomes = new Chromosome[poolSize]; for (int j = 0; j < poolSize; ++j) chromosomes[j] = new Chromosome(length, rng); Arrays.sort(chromosomes); } /** * Run one or more update cycles. */ public void run() { try { for (;;) { update(); if (++gen >= nGen) { pop.taskDone(); return; } if ((rng.next() & RESUBMIT_MASK) == 1) { pop.resubmit(this); return; } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { pop.taskDone(); } } /** * Choose a breeder, exchange strand with another pool, and * cross them to create new chromosome to replace a chosen * dyer. */ void update() throws InterruptedException { int b = chooseBreeder(); int d = chooseDyer(b); Chromosome breeder = chromosomes[b]; Chromosome child = chromosomes[d]; chooseStrand(breeder); strand = exchanger.exchange(strand); cross(breeder, child); fixOrder(child, d); } /** * Choose a breeder, with exponentially decreasing probability * starting at best. * @return index of selected breeder */ int chooseBreeder() { int mask = (poolSize >>> BREEDER_DECAY) - 1; int b = 0; while ((rng.next() & mask) != mask) { if (++b >= poolSize) b = 0; } return b; } /** * Choose a chromosome that will be replaced, with * exponentially decreasing probablility starting at * worst, ignoring the excluded index * @param exclude index to ignore; use -1 to not exclude any * @return index of selected dyer */ int chooseDyer(int exclude) { int mask = (poolSize >>> DYER_DECAY) - 1; int d = poolSize - 1; while (d == exclude || (rng.next() & mask) != mask) { if (--d < 0) d = poolSize - 1; } return d; } /** * Select a random strand of b's. * @param breeder the breeder */ void chooseStrand(Chromosome breeder) { int[] bs = breeder.alleles; int length = bs.length; int strandLength = MIN_STRAND_LENGTH; while (strandLength < length && (rng.next() & RANDOM_STRAND_MASK) != RANDOM_STRAND_MASK) strandLength++; strand.strandLength = strandLength; int[] ss = strand.alleles; int k = (rng.next() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % length; for (int i = 0; i < strandLength; ++i) { ss[i] = bs[k]; if (++k >= length) k = 0; } } /** * Copy current strand to start of c's, and then append all * remaining b's that aren't in the strand. * @param breeder the breeder * @param child the child */ void cross(Chromosome breeder, Chromosome child) { for (int k = 0; k < inTour.length; ++k) // clear bitset inTour[k] = 0; // Copy current strand to c int[] cs = child.alleles; int ssize = strand.strandLength; int[] ss = strand.alleles; int i; for (i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) { int x = ss[i]; cs[i] = x; inTour[x >>> 5] |= 1 << (x & 31); // record in bit set } // Find index of matching origin in b int first = cs[0]; int j = 0; int[] bs = breeder.alleles; while (bs[j] != first) ++j; // Append remaining b's that aren't already in tour while (i < cs.length) { if (++j >= bs.length) j = 0; int x = bs[j]; if ((inTour[x >>> 5] & (1 << (x & 31))) == 0) cs[i++] = x; } } /** * Fix the sort order of a changed Chromosome c at position k * @param c the chromosome * @param k the index */ void fixOrder(Chromosome c, int k) { Chromosome[] cs = chromosomes; float oldFitness = c.fitness; c.recalcFitness(); float newFitness = c.fitness; if (newFitness < oldFitness) { int j = k; int p = j - 1; while (p >= 0 && cs[p].fitness > newFitness) { cs[j] = cs[p]; j = p--; } cs[j] = c; } else if (newFitness > oldFitness) { int j = k; int n = j + 1; while (n < cs.length && cs[n].fitness < newFitness) { cs[j] = cs[n]; j = n++; } cs[j] = c; } } } /** * A Chromosome is a candidate TSP tour. */ static final class Chromosome implements Comparable { /** Index of cities in tour order */ final int[] alleles; /** Total tour length */ float fitness; /** * Initialize to random tour */ Chromosome(int length, RNG random) { alleles = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) alleles[i] = i; for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--) { int idx = (random.next() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % alleles.length; int tmp = alleles[i]; alleles[i] = alleles[idx]; alleles[idx] = tmp; } recalcFitness(); } public int compareTo(Object x) { // to enable sorting float xf = ((Chromosome)x).fitness; float f = fitness; return ((f == xf)? 0 :((f < xf)? -1 : 1)); } void recalcFitness() { int[] a = alleles; int len = a.length; int p = a[0]; float f = cities.distanceBetween(a[len-1], p); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { int n = a[i]; f += cities.distanceBetween(p, n); p = n; } fitness = f; } void validate() { // Ensure that this is a valid tour. int len = alleles.length; boolean[] used = new boolean[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) used[alleles[i]] = true; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (!used[i]) throw new Error("Bad tour"); } } /** * A Strand is a random sub-sequence of a Chromosome. Each task * creates only one strand, and then trades it with others, * refilling it on each iteration. */ static final class Strand { final int[] alleles; int strandLength; Strand(int length) { alleles = new int[length]; } } /** * A collection of (x,y) points that represent cities. Distances * are scaled in [0,1) to simply checking results. The expected * optimal TSP for random points is believed to be around 0.76 * * sqrt(N). For papers discussing this, see * http://www.densis.fee.unicamp.br/~moscato/TSPBIB_home.html for */ static final class CitySet { // Scale ints to doubles in [0,1) static final double PSCALE = (double)0x80000000L; final int length; final int[] xPts; final int[] yPts; final float[][] distances; CitySet(int n) { this.length = n; this.xPts = new int[n]; this.yPts = new int[n]; this.distances = new float[n][n]; RNG random = new RNG(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { xPts[i] = (random.next() & 0x7FFFFFFF); yPts[i] = (random.next() & 0x7FFFFFFF); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double dX = (xPts[i] - xPts[j]) / PSCALE; double dY = (yPts[i] - yPts[j]) / PSCALE; distances[i][j] = (float)Math.hypot(dX, dY); } } } // Retrieve the cached distance between a pair of cities float distanceBetween(int i, int j) { return distances[i][j]; } } /** * Cheap XorShift random number generator */ static final class RNG { /** Seed generator for XorShift RNGs */ static final Random seedGenerator = new Random(); int seed; RNG(int seed) { this.seed = seed; } RNG() { this.seed = seedGenerator.nextInt(); } int next() { int x = seed; x ^= x << 6; x ^= x >>> 21; x ^= x << 7; seed = x; return x; } } static final class ProgressMonitor extends Thread { final Population pop; ProgressMonitor(Population p) { pop = p; } public void run() { double time = 0; try { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { sleep(SNAPSHOT_RATE); time += SNAPSHOT_RATE; pop.printSnapshot(time / 1000.0); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } }