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Class collections.DefaultComparator


public class DefaultComparator
extends Object
implements Comparator
DefaultComparator provides a general-purpose but slow compare operation.

Constructor Index

 o DefaultComparator()

Method Index

 o compare(Object, Object)
Try various downcasts to find a basis for comparing two elements.


 o DefaultComparator
 public DefaultComparator()


 o compare
 public int compare(Object fst,
                    Object snd)
Try various downcasts to find a basis for comparing two elements. If all else fails, just compare hashCodes(). This can be effective when you are using an ordered implementation data structure like trees, but don't really care about ordering.

fst - first argument
snd - second argument
a negative number if fst is less than snd; a positive number if fst is greater than snd; else 0

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