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Interface collections.UpdatableSeq

public interface interface UpdatableSeq
extends UpdatableCollection, Seq
UpdatableSeqs are Seqs possessing standard modification methods

Method Index

 o appendElements(Enumeration)
Append all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order.
 o insertAt(int, Object)
Insert element at indicated index.
 o insertElementsAt(int, Enumeration)
Insert all elements of enumeration e at a given index, preserving their order.
 o insertFirst(Object)
Insert element at front of the sequence.
 o insertLast(Object)
insert element at end of the sequence Behaviorally equivalent to insertAt(size(), element)
 o prependElements(Enumeration)
Prepend all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order.
 o removeAt(int)
Remove element at indicated index.
 o removeFirst()
Remove the leftmost element.
 o removeFromTo(int, int)
Remove the elements from fromIndex to toIndex, inclusive.
 o removeLast()
Remove the rightmost element.
 o replaceAt(int, Object)
replace element at indicated index with new value
 o replaceFirst(Object)
replace element at front of the sequence with new value.
 o replaceLast(Object)
replace element at end of the sequence with new value Behaviorally equivalent to replaceAt(size()-1, element);


 o insertAt
 public abstract void insertAt(int index,
                               Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
Insert element at indicated index. The index can range from 0..size() (i.e., one past the current last index). If the index is equal to size(), the element is appended as the new last element.

index - the index to add at
element - the element to add
 size() == PREV(this).size()+1 &&
 at(index).equals(element) &&
 foreach (int i in 0 .. index-1)      at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i))
 foreach (int i in index+1..size()-1) at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i-1))
 Version change: always
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if index is not in range 0..size()
Throws: IllegalElementException
if !canInclude(element)
 o replaceAt
 public abstract void replaceAt(int index,
                                Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
replace element at indicated index with new value

index - the index at which to replace value
element - the new value
 size() == PREV(this).size() &&
 at(index).equals(element) &&
 no spurious effects
 Version change <-- !element.equals(PREV(this).at(index)
                    (but MAY change even if equal).
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if index is not in range 0..size()-1
Throws: IllegalElementException
if !canInclude(element)
 o removeAt
 public abstract void removeAt(int index) throws NoSuchElementException
Remove element at indicated index. All elements to the right have their indices decremented by one.

index - the index of the element to remove
 size() = PREV(this).size()-1 &&
 foreach (int i in 0..index-1)      at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i)); &&
 foreach (int i in index..size()-1) at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i+1));
 Version change: always
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if index is not in range 0..size()-1
 o insertFirst
 public abstract void insertFirst(Object element) throws IllegalElementException
Insert element at front of the sequence. Behaviorally equivalent to insertAt(0, element)

element - the element to add
Throws: IllegalElementException
if !canInclude(element)
 o replaceFirst
 public abstract void replaceFirst(Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
replace element at front of the sequence with new value. Behaviorally equivalent to replaceAt(0, element);

 o removeFirst
 public abstract void removeFirst() throws NoSuchElementException
Remove the leftmost element. Behaviorally equivalent to removeAt(0);

 o insertLast
 public abstract void insertLast(Object element) throws IllegalElementException
insert element at end of the sequence Behaviorally equivalent to insertAt(size(), element)

element - the element to add
Throws: IllegalElementException
if !canInclude(element)
 o replaceLast
 public abstract void replaceLast(Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
replace element at end of the sequence with new value Behaviorally equivalent to replaceAt(size()-1, element);

 o removeLast
 public abstract void removeLast() throws NoSuchElementException
Remove the rightmost element. Behaviorally equivalent to removeAt(size()-1);

Throws: NoSuchElementException
if isEmpty
 o removeFromTo
 public abstract void removeFromTo(int fromIndex,
                                   int toIndex) throws NoSuchElementException
Remove the elements from fromIndex to toIndex, inclusive. No effect if fromIndex > toIndex. Behaviorally equivalent to
 for (int i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i) removeAt(fromIndex);

index - the index of the first element to remove
index - the index of the last element to remove
 let n = max(0, toIndex - fromIndex + 1 in
  size() == PREV(this).size() - 1 &&
  for (int i in 0 .. fromIndex - 1)     at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i)) && 
  for (int i in fromIndex .. size()- 1) at(i).equals(PREV(this).at(i+n) 
  Version change iff n > 0 
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if fromIndex or toIndex is not in range 0..size()-1
 o insertElementsAt
 public abstract void insertElementsAt(int index,
                                       Enumeration e) throws IllegalElementException, CorruptedEnumerationException, NoSuchElementException
Insert all elements of enumeration e at a given index, preserving their order. The index can range from 0..size() (i.e., one past the current last index). If the index is equal to size(), the elements are appended.

index - the index to start adding at
e - the elements to add
 foreach (int i in 0 .. index-1) at(i).equals(PREV(this)at(i)); &&
 All existing elements at indices at or greater than index have their
  indices incremented by the number of elements 
  traversable via e.nextElement() &&
 The new elements are at indices index + their order in
   the enumeration's nextElement traversal.
 !(e.hasMoreElements()) &&
 (version() != PREV(this).version()) == PREV(e).hasMoreElements() 
Throws: IllegalElementException
if !canInclude some element of e; this may or may not nullify the effect of insertions of other elements.
Throws: NoSuchElementException
if index is not in range 0..size()
Throws: CorruptedEnumerationException
is propagated if raised; this may or may not nullify the effects of insertions of other elements.
 o prependElements
 public abstract void prependElements(Enumeration e) throws IllegalElementException, CorruptedEnumerationException
Prepend all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order. Behaviorally equivalent to addElementsAt(0, e)

e - the elements to add
 o appendElements
 public abstract void appendElements(Enumeration e) throws IllegalElementException, CorruptedEnumerationException
Append all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order. Behaviorally equivalent to addElementsAt(size(), e)

e - the elements to add

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