
Instructor: Doug Lea
Class: T-Th 8:00
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(Required) Project-based software engineering by Evelyn Stiller and Cathie Leblanc, Addison Wesley, 2002. ISBN 0-201-74225-X.

(Recommended) Effective Java by Josh Bloch, Addison Wesley, 2002. ISBN 0201310058


This is a course in learning by doing. You will learn software engineering practices by carrying them, mainly on a group project (of approximately 5 students per group), one similar (but not identical to) the one described in the main text, with additional instructions and requirements as discussed in class. To compensate for the large amount of time spent on the project, some group working sessions will meet during regular class periods instead of lectures.

Course topics include software requirements, design, testing, quality control and evolution, and project planning and management.

Grading will be based entirely on the work products, logs, etc produced in the project, as discussed in class and presented in the text. In brief. there will be 12 submissions (almost one per week), weighted approximately equally for final grade.

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