Assignment 1
Measure the latency and throughput of the following TCP and/or UDP
based protocols (as noted below) across at least three pairs of
machines using at least two different networks. For example, two
CS servers (like rho and pi), or a CS server to a laptop, wired or
wireless, or off-campus. Create a web page with graphs
summarizing your results. Use appropriate measurement sample
sizes, and readily interpretable units in graphs.
All messages must use a simple encryption scheme. One suggestion
is to use a xor encoding of 64bit (8 byte, java "long") values,
based on a known shared initial key, updated using a custom rng on
each step, and then validated by the receiver. Here's a simple
rng update function: xorshift, requiring a non-zero initial key
long xorShift(long r) { r ^= r << 13; r ^= r >>> 7; r ^= r << 17; return r; }
- Measure round-trip latency (RTTs) and how it varies with
message size in TCP, by sending and receiving (echoing and
validating) messages of size 8, 64, 256, and 512 bytes.
- Measure throughput (bits per second) and how it varies with
message size in TCP, by sending 1MByte of data (with a 8-byte
acknowledgment in the reverse direction) using different
numbers of messages: 1024 1024Byte messages, vs 2048 512Byte
messages, vs 4096 X 256Byte messages. Use known message
contents (for example number sequences) so they can be
- The same as (1), except using UDP.
- The same as (2), using UDP.
For timing, use System.nanoTime (or the closest equivalent if
using other languages). Read through the
Java networking tutorial. Also see and
for some stripped-down examples of using server and client sockets.
When using non-CS machines and networks, minimize unnecessary
traffic while developing your programs. Beware of firewalls.