Douglas Lea

Contact information



Published Papers, Articles, and Reports

Courses Taught

SUNY Oswego
Introduction to Programming, Data Structures, Data Structures and File Processing, Foundations of Computer Science, Assembly Language Programming, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Programming Languages, Cognitive Science, Compiler Construction, C, Lisp, Fortran, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Concurrent Programming, Parallel Computing, Software Design, Laboratory Computing, Probability Theory, Computer Networking, Networked systems.
Syracuse University
Object Oriented Design, Software Engineering Studio, Translator Design, Seminar on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Seminar on Object-Oriented Compilation.

Unpublished Presentations, Tutorials and Short Courses

Grants and Support

Professional Activities

  • ACM:
  • Sigma Xi:
  • SUNY Oswego College Service:
  • Other Software and On-line Documents
  • Other
    Doug Lea