Re: Stopping Threads versus Denying Resources

Rahul Merwah (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:25:33 PST

Hi Folks, Franco Zambonelli wrote: > This technique is likely to apply in several application cases: > a) If an agent is arrived on a site to look for execution resources (load >balancing) > we could give it low-priority thus letting the agent (or the load >balancing tool > that controls its movements) assume that the site is overloaded and >that it is > better to go to another site to execute > b) if the agent is on a site to access to specific services, by degrading >the quality > of the services offered to it. > c) If an information retrieval agent overloads a node because it issues >too many queries, > by starting answering "NO MATCH" to all its queries > >IMHO, the more general solution is to > >4) assign prices to resources and to let agents access to them only if it >can pay > >However, if the agent does not want to pay we have to decide what >to do, that is points 1, 2 or 3. There is a project at Columbia that is exploring using financial market based techniques to control access to resources in a network. (I'll leave the exact details out, see ) The idea is to control resources with currency in an involved system including a banking infrastructure. A basic extension to that idea would be to use streaming currency to continue using resources on a system. The main idea behind this is to use provably secure market-based primitives to minimize denial of service (and other) attacks. The project is modelled as network domains but in this discussion we can assume a domain to be a VM to see how we can identify and control attacks on a domain. I will probably go into more details if there is more interest on this list. Essentially, I'm trying to break the domain into two portions: (1) How do you identify an attack in a runtime system and macro controls (MarketNet is a possible solution in this sphere) (2) The details of the control implementation (as Doug and the rest have been so graciously contributing to the list) Cheerios! - Rahul Merwah Get Your Private, Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe (or other requests) List archives, FAQ, member list, etc.

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