Re: Safety of running and stopping dynamically loaded code

Bill Foote (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:10:40 -0800 (PST)

David Chase wrote: > I can imagine, actually, certain ways to limit > these absolutelypositivelycomplete clauses. One is > to calculate, before entering one, the number of > computational units (whatever THOSE are) that will be > consumed by this code, and if that number is exceeded, > then the code is arbitrarily killed. One plausible > measure of computational unit is "backedge or call", > which corresponds to the places that a Java implementation > that polls for thread switches and interrupts must > check these things (I'm ignoring finalization and > thread creation in my accounting). Of course, the amount of > computing that must be performed might depend on the > inputs, so that number might itself might also depend > upon some calculation, whose length must also be bounded. It's interesting to note that PERC ( tries to do a simple form of this, but in the process it restricts the code it will accept to a subset of what Java is. In PERC, absolutelypositivelycomplete with restrictions roughly correspond to "atomic" and "timed" (my memory of the details are a bit fuzzy), and the restrictions amount to disallowing backwards branches in finally clauses, finalizers and the like. This is in interesting language choice, but it's certainly a restriction on Java language semantics. PERC is, in this regard, a restricted subset of Java. Bill -- Bill Foote EmbeddedJava VM Group, Sun Microsystems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe (or other requests) List archives, FAQ, member list, etc.

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