Appendix: Notation





Generic class



Relation instance


Multiple inheritance

Exclusion, covering, partitioning

(* = E, C, or P)


Service transition



Transition time constraint

Multiple disjoint transitions

One-way communication

Bidirectional communication



The following meaningless declarations illustrate principal ODL constructs.

class X                      % class declaration
  is SuperX, SuperX2         % all superclasses
  generator XGen;            % All X constructions go through XGens

  fn i: int;                 % value attribute
  b: fixed bool;             % shorten fn, qualify as constant
  c: common char;            % c is same for all X's
  r: unique real;            % r is different for all X's

  inv i > 0;                 % invariant constraint
  j: int = 3;                % short form

  init i = 2;                % initial state constraint
  d: int init= 3;            % short form

  local fn l: Y;             % private link attribute
  local m: opt Y;            % short form; qualify as optional
  own q: X;                  % fixed, unique, local

  locals                     % qualify all enclosed decls as local
     p : Int <>              % bind link to int obj at construction
     k: int { i + j }        % computed attribute
     fn gti(x: int) : bool   % local fn with argument
        = (x > i)            % abstract definition
        { x > i }            % concrete definition
  end                        % end of locals section

  op op1(x: int) : ()        % procedural operation
     ==> i' = x end          % effect/postcondition

  op op2(x: int)             % one-way operation
     ==> p''? = x            % eventual value held in p is x
     { p.set(x) } end        % concrete action

  op op3                     % argumentless one-way
     when i > 3 then         % guard
       m' = l                % effect; prime for post-value
     elsewhen null(m) then   % alternate guard; see if bound
       op2(d)'               % referenced effect
     elsewhen l in SubY then % true if l has features of SubY
       pend                  % delay processing (queue request)
     else end                % empty effect

  when i = 7 then            % guarded set of concrete ops
     op op4: int {           % return integer value
       reply 12;             % reply to sender and continue
       q.op2 }               % invoke op2 on q
  elsewhen i = 219 then      % accept op5 only when i = 219
     op op5: ok(),bad(i:int) % alternate terminations
       { if b then ok        % conditional reply
         else bad(2) end }   % reply on second return channel
  else                       % i.e., when i ~= 7 /\ i ~= 219
     op op6 y: Y {           % y is local name for result
       local a: int := 1;    % local value
       y := YGen$mk;         % ask any YGen to make a Y
       while a > 0 do        % loop
        catch q.op4          % catch q.op4's reply by name
         op ok { a: = 0 }    % value update
         op bad(i:int) {}    % no action
        a := a - 1;          % value update
      end }


inv X = oneOf(X1, X2);       % X1 and X2 fully partition X
record desc(a: A, b: B)      % value-structuring record for messages
fn geti(x: X):int { x.i }    % top-level operation 
class List[T] ... end        % generic class with type argument T
op clear[T](l: List[T]);     % operation on any List class

ODL Syntax


The following EBNF syntax (with `` [...]'' for ``optional'' and `` [...]*'' for ``zero or more'') does not reflect static semantic restrictions discussed in the text.

System: [ Decl ]*
Decl: Class | Fn | Op | Inv | Init | Open | Gen | Locals | Accept | Rec | ;
Class: class GID [ is GIDs ] [ Decl ]* end
Fn: [ local | own | packed ] [ fn ] GID Params : QualType FnDef
Op: [ local ] op GID Params ReturnSpec OpDef
Inv: inv Exps
Init: init Exps
Open: opens GID
Gen: generator GID
Rec: record GID Params
Locals: locals [ Decl ]* end
Accept: when Exp then [ Op ]* ElseAccepts end
ElseAccepts: [ elsewhen Exp then [ Op ]* ]* else [ Op ]*
Params: [ ( ParamList ) ]
ParamList: GID : QualType [ , GID : QualType ]*
QualType: [ fixed | unique | common | opt ]* GID
ReturnSpec: [ [ ID ] : QualType | : Synch [ , Synch ]* ]
Synch: [ ID ] ( [ ParamList ] )
FnDef: [ [ init ] = Exp ] FnBind
FnBind: <> | Block | ;
OpDef: Block | Effect | ;
Effect: ==> OpSpec end | When
When: when Exp then OpSpec ElseWhens end
ElseWhens: [ elsewhen Exp then OpSpec ]* else OpSpec
OpSpec: [ When | Exps [ Block ] | Block ]
Block: { Statements }
Statements: Statement [ ; Statement ]*
Statement: [ Exp | Assign | Loc | Catch | While | If | Reply ]
Reply: reply [ Exp ]
While: while Exp do Statements end
If: if Exp then Statements ElsIfs end
ElsIfs: [ elsif Exp then Statements ]* [ else Statements ]
Catch: catch Exp [ Op ]* end
Assigns: Assign [ , Assign ]*
Assign: GID := Exp
Loc: local GID : QualType [ := Exp ]
Exps: Exp | Exp , Exps
Exp: [ @ ] Exp2
Exp2: [ Exp2 OrOp ] Exp3
OrOp: \/ | =>
Exp3: [ Exp3 /\ ] Exp4
Exp4: [ Exp5 RelOp ] Exp5
RelOp: = | < | > | ~ | >= | <=
Exp5: [ Exp5 AddOp ] Exp6
AddOp: + | -
Exp6: [ Exp6 MulOp ] Exp7
MulOp: * | / | div | mod
Exp7: [ Unop ]* Exp8
Unop: - | ~
Exp8: PredefFn | PredefExp | Msg | ( Exp )
PredefFn: Msg in GID | null ( Msg ) | oneOf ( GIDs )
PredefExp: true | false | null | pend | literal
Msg: Rcvr [ . Send ]* [ ' | '' | ? ]
Rcvr: self | [ GID $ ] Send | new GID [ ( [ Assigns|Exp ] ) ]
Send: GID [ ( [ Exps ] ) ]
GID: ID | GID [ Exps ] | PredefType
PredefType: bool | int | char | real | time | blob | Any | System
GIDs: GID [ , GID ]*
ID: [ ID :: ]* name

Doug Lea
Wed May 10 08:01:54 EDT 1995