Interface ReadWriteLock

All Known Implementing Classes:
FIFOReadWriteLock, ReaderPreferenceReadWriteLock, ReentrantWriterPreferenceReadWriteLock, WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock

public interface ReadWriteLock

ReadWriteLocks maintain a pair of associated locks. The readLock may be held simultanously by multiple reader threads, so long as there are no writers. The writeLock is exclusive. ReadWrite locks are generally preferable to plain Sync locks or synchronized methods in cases where:

Different implementation classes differ in policies surrounding which threads to prefer when there is contention. By far, the most commonly useful policy is WriterPreferenceReadWriteLock. The other implementations are targeted for less common, niche applications.

Standard usage:

 class X {
   ReadWriteLock rw;
   // ...

   public void read() throws InterruptedException { 
     try {
       // ... do the read
     finally {

   public void write() throws InterruptedException { 
     try {
       // ... do the write
     finally {

See Also:

[ Introduction to this package. ]

Method Summary
 Sync readLock()
          get the readLock
 Sync writeLock()
          get the writeLock

Method Detail


Sync readLock()
get the readLock


Sync writeLock()
get the writeLock