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Class collections.UpdatableSeqImpl


public abstract class UpdatableSeqImpl
extends UpdatableImpl
implements UpdatableSeq
UpdatableSeqImpl extends UpdatableImpl to provide default implementations of some Seq operations.

Constructor Index

 o UpdatableSeqImpl()
Initialize at version 0, an empty count, and null screener
 o UpdatableSeqImpl(Predicate)
Initialize at version 0, an empty count, and supplied screener

Method Index

 o appendElements(Enumeration)
Append all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order.
 o at(int)
Return the element at the indicated index
 o first()
Return the first element, if it exists.
 o firstIndexOf(Object)
Find the leftmost occurrence of an element.
 o firstIndexOf(Object, int)
Report the index of leftmost occurrence of an element from a given starting point, or -1 if there is no such index.
 o insertAt(int, Object)
Insert element at indicated index.
 o insertElementsAt(int, Enumeration)
Insert all elements of enumeration e at a given index, preserving their order.
 o insertFirst(Object)
Insert element at front of the sequence.
 o insertingAt(int, Object)
Implements collections.Seq.insertingAt.
 o insertLast(Object)
insert element at end of the sequence Behaviorally equivalent to insertAt(size(), element)
 o last()
Return the last element, if it exists.
 o lastIndexOf(Object)
Find the rightmost occurrence of an element.
 o lastIndexOf(Object, int)
Report the index of righttmost occurrence of an element from a given starting point, or -1 if there is no such index.
 o prependElements(Enumeration)
Prepend all elements of enumeration e, preserving their order.
 o removeAt(int)
Remove element at indicated index.
 o removeFirst()
Remove the leftmost element.
 o removeFromTo(int, int)
Remove the elements from fromIndex to toIndex, inclusive.
 o removeLast()
Remove the rightmost element.
 o removingAt(int)
Implements collections.Seq.removingAt.
 o replaceAt(int, Object)
replace element at indicated index with new value
 o replaceFirst(Object)
replace element at front of the sequence with new value.
 o replaceLast(Object)
replace element at end of the sequence with new value Behaviorally equivalent to replaceAt(size()-1, element);
 o replacingAt(int, Object)
Implements collections.Seq.replacingAt
 o subseq(int, int)
Construct a new Seq that is a clone of self except that it does not contain the elements before index or after index+length.


 o UpdatableSeqImpl
 protected UpdatableSeqImpl()
Initialize at version 0, an empty count, and null screener

 o UpdatableSeqImpl
 protected UpdatableSeqImpl(Predicate screener)
Initialize at version 0, an empty count, and supplied screener


 o insertingAt
 public synchronized Seq insertingAt(int index,
                                     Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
Implements collections.Seq.insertingAt.

See Also:
 o removingAt
 public synchronized Seq removingAt(int index) throws NoSuchElementException
Implements collections.Seq.removingAt.

See Also:
 o replacingAt
 public synchronized Seq replacingAt(int index,
                                     Object element) throws IllegalElementException, NoSuchElementException
Implements collections.Seq.replacingAt

See Also:

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