Public Mailing List for Resource Management

Bill Foote (Bill.Foote@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 14:37:03 -0800 (PST)

Greetings! You are receiving this message because, some time in the past, you expressed some level of interest in resource management in Java. This includes managing untrusted code so that it cannot consume so many resources as to make its host environment unusable. In this context, "resource" is defined quite broadly, and includes more than just CPU time and memory. This message is to announce a new public mailing list devoted to resource management. It is described at . This site also includes a web archive. I'd like to thank Nelson Minar and Doug Lea for hosting this list! I hope that this list will help stimulate discussion, and that the ideas that come out of it serve to improve the state of the art. To subscribe, I'm pretty sure you just send a message to containing "subscribe javares". I can never remember if majordomo commands go in the subject or the body, so I just put them in both places. If you have any questions about subscription or unsubscription, please send e-mail to for an automated reply. A quick note about intellectual property, for paranoid people like me who work for big companies: This is a public mailing list, and it is publicly archived. As such, any information that is posted to this mailing list has been published. My understanding of such matters is that from a legal perspective, it's just like a journal article. Also, note that this list isn't officially sponsored by Sun. How does that software license go? "This list is not guaranteed to be suitable for any purpose, express or implied. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you." :-) See you on, Bill -- Bill Foote EmbeddedJava VM Group, Sun Microsystems

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