Re: This agent has to pay

Nadeem Jamali (
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 16:03:41 -0600 (CST)

We at Open Systems Lab are using such a scheme by extending the Actors model of computation with mobility and resource control. Essentially, each agent is assigned some amount of cash at the time of creation or when it is sent a request. This cash may be used by the agent for purchasing computational resources, services etc. or it may be given to other agents. For more details, please see the following papers: Jamali, N., Thati, P., and Agha, G., ``An Actor-based Architecture for Customizing and Controlling Agent Ensembles'', IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol 14(2), 1999. pp 38-44 Agha, G. A., and Jamali, N., ``Concurrent Programming for Distributed Artificial Intelligence'', in Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Ed. Gerhard Weiss, Chapter 12, MIT Press, 1999. pp 505-534 We're developing an implementation of these ideas by building upon ActorFoundry, the Java implementation of Actors by Mark Astley. More information about ActorFoundry is available from the osl website cheers! Nadeem -- Nadeem Jamali Department of Computer Science University of Illinois-UC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe (or other requests) List archives, FAQ, etc.

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